Information about this web site
Arizona Watershed Program
Central Arizona Highlands
Buibliography of literature on research of the Arizona Watershed Program
Images from the Arizona Watershed Program
Research data

Documents explaining basic aspects of watersheds, especially in semi-arid Arizona
Links to watershed-related websites useful in the classroom
Links to other sites with information about watersheds
Sending us feedback on this site

   Watersheds animation tools
       • View MODIS data
       • View AVHRR data

This site dedicated to
Malchus Baker

(Flagstaff Lab, RMRS)

International Arid Lands Consortium: this project's funding agency

Site Design
Michael Haseltine (UA)
Dan Huebner (Flagstaff Lab, RMRS)

Cover Photo
Peter Ffolliott
(University of Arizona)

Decorative title image of a stream in a rocky bed flowing over a weir for measuring streamflow, with snow-covered hills in the background

Major Vegetation Types
in the Southwestern United States

Mixed Conifer Forests
Ponderosa Pine Forests
inyon-Juniper Woodlands
Chaparral Shrublands
Semi-Desert Shrublands
Riparian Areas