President Bush Nominates Four to National Board of Education Sciences
Archived Information

January 18, 2008
Contact: David Thomas
(202) 401-1579

President Bush today nominated four individuals to serve on the National Board of Education Sciences (NBES). Three of the nominations are reappointments and one is a new appointment. All require Senate confirmation.

The board's members are:

The National Board of Education Sciences is the presidentially appointed advisory panel of the Institute of Education Sciences in the U.S. Department of Education. The board performs a host of duties, ranging from reviewing and approving the research priorities of the Institute to advising and consulting with the director on the policies of the Institute. It reviews and regularly evaluates the work of the Institute to ensure that its research, development, evaluation, and statistical analyses are consistent with the standards set out in the Education Sciences Reform Act of 2002.

For further information on the NBES, visit



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Last Modified: 01/18/2008