Federal GovernmentAnalysis of the President's Budgetary Proposals for Fiscal Year 2004 Publisher: Congress, Congressional Budget Office Description: Estimates whether the President's budget proposals for fiscal year 2004 will result in a surplus or deficit in government spending. Item 1005-K. Year/Pages: 2003: 62 p.; ill. Price: $3.60 Biography of an Ideal: A History of the Federal Civil Service Publisher: Office of Personnel Management Description: Presents a concise history of the United States civil service and the remarkable employees who have helped make our country great. Year/Pages: 2002: 226 p.; ill. Publisher: Congress, Congressional Budget Office Description: A CBO Study. On cover and spine: March 2003. Discusses major proposals to increase spending or cut taxes because of large budget surpluses. Presents specific policy options to reduce spending or increase revenues in a wide variety of programs. Edge indexed. Year/Pages: 2003: 295 p.; ill. Price: $15.19 Can I Get Free Land From the BLM? Publisher: Interior Dept., Bureau of Land Management, National Science and Technology Center Description: BLM-WO-GI-97-011+2700/REV02. Publication measures 9 x 4 in. Answers questions about undeveloped land available for sale through the Bureau of Land Management. Item 631. Year/Pages: 2003: Folder. Revised ed. Publisher: House, Committee on Government Reform Description: House of Representatives Report 108-172. Union Calendar No. 87. Explains the procedures for requesting government records using the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act of 1974. 108th Congress, 1st Session. Jacket 19-006 PDF. Year/Pages: 2003: 86 p. Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, Public Law 95-454 Publisher: General Services Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Public Law 95-454. An Act to Reform the Civil Service Laws. Approved Oct. 13, 1978. Item 575. Year/Pages: 1978: 117 p. Price: $2.79 Code of Federal Regulations, 2003 (Microfiche) Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Irregularly issued subscription service. Subscription service will include one copy of each microfiche Code of Federal Regulations dated 2003. Back issues will be furnished. Single copy, $2.00; foreign single copy, $2.80. Estimated number of issues for 2002 is 207. NO DISCOUNT IS ALLOWED ON THIS SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE. CFRM3. File Code 1A. Price: $298.00 Code of Federal Regulations, CFR Index and Finding Aids, Revised as of January 1, 2004 (Microfiche) Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Item 572-C. Year/Pages: 2004: 12 microfiche, 24X. Price: $4.00 Code of Federal Regulations, LSA, List of CFR Sections Affected Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Monthly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. No single copies sold. A listing of amendatory actions published in the Federal Register. Entries indicate type of change. The Dec. issue is the Annual for Titles 1-16; the Mar. issue is the Annual for Titles 26-41; the Sept. issue is the Annual for Titles 42-50. LCS. File Code 2M. Item 572. Code of Federal Regulations: List of CFR Sections Affected, 1986-2000, V. 1, Titles 1 Through 16 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Spine title reads: CFR, List of CFR Sections Affected, 1986 to 2000, (Titles 1 Through 16), V. 1. Lists all sections of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in the daily Federal Register from 1986-2000. Item 260-C. Year/Pages: 2002: 921 p. Code of Federal Regulations: List of CFR Sections Affected, 1986-2000, V. 2, Titles 17 Through 27 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Spine title reads: CFR, List of CFR Sections Affected, 1986 to 2000, (Titles 17 Through 27), V. 2. Lists all sections of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in the daily Federal Register from 1986-2000. Item 573-C. Year/Pages: 2002: 665 p. Code of Federal Regulations: List of CFR Sections Affected, 1986-2000, V. 3, Titles 28 Through 41 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Spine title reads: CFR, List of CFR Sections Affected, 1986 to 2000, (Titles 28 Through 41), V. 3. Lists all sections of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in the daily Federal Register from 1986-2000. Item 573-C. Year/Pages: 2002: 899 p. Code of Federal Regulations: List of CFR Sections Affected, 1986-2000, V. 4, Titles 42 Through 50 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Spine title reads: CFR, List of CFR Sections Affected, 1986 to 2000, (Titles 42 Through 50), V. 4. Lists all sections of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in the daily Federal Register from 1986-2000. Item 573-C. Year/Pages: 2002: 1019 p. Official Congressional Directory, 108th Congress (Clothbound) Publisher: Congress,. Joint Committee on Printing Description: S. Pub. 108-18. 2003-2004 Official Congressional Directory, 108th Congress, Convened January 7, 2003. Cover title reads: 2003-2004 Congressional Directory, 108th Congress. Spine title reads: Congressional Directory, 108th Congress, 2003-2004. Contains biographies of Senators, members of Congress, and the Judiciary. Also includes committee assignments, maps of Congressional districts, a directory of officials of executive agencies, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, web addresses, and other information. Edge indexed. Item 1004. Year/Pages: 2003: 1212 p.; ill. Price: $28.80 Congressional Directory, 2003-2004 (Paperbound) Publisher: Congress, Joint Committee on Printing Description: S. Pub. 108-18. 2003-2004 Official Congressional Directory, 108th Congress, Convened January 7, 2003. Cover title reads: Congressional Directory, 2003-2004, One Hundred Eighth Congress. Spine title reads: 2003-2004 Congressional Directory, 108th Congress. Contains biographies of Senators, members of Congress, and the Judiciary. Also includes committee assignments, maps of Congressional districts, a directory of officials of executive agencies, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, web addresses, and other information. Edge indexed. Item 1004-C. Year/Pages: 2003: 1212 p.; ill. Price: $26.00 Defender of the Public Interest: The General Accounting Office, 1921-1966 Publisher: General Accounting Office Description: Provides a detailed history of the General Accounting Office from 1921-1966. Also traces the development of accounting and auditing in the United States from the American Revolution to 1921. Describes the passage of the Budget and Accounting Act in 1921. L.C. card 96-43135. Item 545. Year/Pages: 1996: 635 p.; ill. Publisher: Justice Dept., Federal Bureau of Investigation Description: Contains a report to the American People of the various activities and responsibilities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from 1993 to 1998. Year/Pages: 1999: 91 p. FAA Organizational Directory, 2003, July Publisher: Transportation Dept., Federal Aviation Administration Description: Contains names, addresses, and phone numbers of FAA managers in the region and center headquarters (down to branch level) and regional facility managers. Also includes maps, organization charts, glossary, and answers to the most frequently asked questions about the FAA. Edge indexed. Item 0431-A-37. Year/Pages: 2003: 242 p.; ill. Price: $33.00 Citizenship Education and Naturalization Information Publisher: Justice Dept., Immigration and Naturalization Service Description: M-287. Designed for persons seeking to become citizens of the United States of America. Texts can be used to help the reader prepare for the naturalization examination. This text discusses the rights and responsibilities of being a United States citizen, including rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Provides general information on becoming a citizen. Year/Pages: 1987: 63 p.; ill. Price: $5.00 United States Government Structure, Level 2 Publisher: Justice Dept., Immigration and Naturalization Service Description: M-290. Designed for persons seeking to become citizens of the United States of America. Texts can be used to help the reader prepare for the naturalization examination. This text describes the basis of the government of the United States, the Constitution. Discusses the 3 branches of government and the importance, duties and authority of each. Explains and compares the types of government, Federal, State and Local. Year/Pages: 1987: 109 p.; ill. repr. Federal Court Management Statistics, 2000 Publisher: Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Statistics Division Description: Contains statistical profiles for the 12 regional United States courts of appeals and the 94 United States district courts for the year 2000. Provides historical information for each court. Presents caseload data in a slightly different format from annual and semiannual reports. Data are presented based on the number of judgeships authorized by statute. Leonidas Ralph Mecham, Director. Year/Pages: 2001: 175 p.; ill. Federal Court Management Statistics, 2003 Publisher: Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Office of Human Resources and Statistics, Statistics Division Description: Contains statistical profiles for the 12 regional United States courts of appeals and the 94 United States district courts for fiscal years 1998 through 2003. Provides historical information for each court. Presents caseload data in a slightly different format from annual and semiannual reports. Data are presented based on the number of judgeships authorized by statute. Leonidas Ralph Mecham, Director. Year/Pages: 2004: 175 p.; ill. Federal Register Complete (Complete Paper Subscription Service, With Indexes) Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Issued daily, Monday through Friday, except on Federal holidays. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Single copy will vary in price. $464.50 for six-month subscription; $650.30, foreign six-month subscription. Copies of the latest 85 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Includes "List of CFR Sections Affected" and "Federal Register Index" which are each issued monthly. Provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices issued by Federal agencies. FR. File Code 3A. Federal Register (Complete Microfiche Subscription Service, With Indexes) Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Issued daily, in microfiche, Monday through Friday, except on Federal holidays. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Copies of issues are retained in stock for one year for individual purchase. Single copy, $3.00; foreign single copy, $4.20; $165.00 for six-month subscription; $231.00 for foreign six-month subscription. Includes "List of CFR Sections Affected" and "Federal Register Index" which are issued monthly. Microfiche version of the Federal Register. Provides a uniform system for making available to the general public regulations and legal notices issued by Federal agencies. 24X microfiche. MFFR. File Code 3A. Federal Register (Daily Only Paper Subscription Service, Without Indexes) Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Daily periodical without indexes or List of Sections Affected issues. Issued daily Monday through Friday, except on Federal holidays. Copies of 85 back issues will be retained in stock for individual purchase. Six-month subscription, $430.00, domestic; $602.00, foreign. Single copy will vary in price depending on its page count. This subscription service is for customers who want the daily issues without the indexes or the List of CFR Sections Affected issues. FRDO. File Code 3A. Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Monthly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. No single copies sold. The monthly issues are cumulative. The Dec. issue serves as the annual issue since it covers the period from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31. A monthly itemization of material published in the Daily Federal Register. FRSU. File Code 2M. Item 573. GPO Access Training Manual, August 2001 Publisher: Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Electronic Information Dissemination Services Description: GPO Publication 500.8. Developed to show the user the general and fundamental capabilities of the GPO Access service. Provides an overview of the Web interface, instructions for locating and retrieving information, and sample searches in popular applications. Includes an index. Year/Pages: 2001: 73 p.; ill. Greening the Government: A Guide to Implementing Executive Order 13101 (CD-ROM) Publisher: White House Task Force on Recycling Description: Describes what steps government agencies can take in waste reduction, source separation, and the procurement of recycled content products. Year/Pages: 2000: CD-ROM and paper insert in plastic case. Guide to Federal Publishing: What Every Federal Publisher Should Know About the Publishing Process Publisher: Interagency Council on Printing and Publications Services; and Government Printing Office Description: 2d edition. Prepared in cooperation with the Interagency Council on Printing and Publications Services; GPO; the Federal Publishers Committee; the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, the Consumer Information Center; National Technical Information Service, and the Federal Webmasters Group. Explains the publishing process for the Federal publisher. Includes information on electronic publishing, the internet, and legislative and regulatory changes. Provides legal, policy, managerial, and technical information on publishing. Year/Pages: 2001: 43 p. Price: $7.00 Handbook of Elder Care Resources for the Federal Workplace Publisher: Office of Personnel Management, Office of Workforce Relations, Family-Friendly Workplace Advocacy Office Description: OWR-29. Introduces a number of organizations and resources that can help Federal employees and employers cope with the demands of the workplace while caring for children under the age of 13 or elderly parents and relatives. Provides practical tips on how to find quality child care, information about Federal personnel programs that can help to balance work and family responsibilities, and places to call for further information on related topics, such as obtaining financial assistance. Item 296-B. Year/Pages: 2000: 68 p.; ill. Price: $4.40 Publisher: House, Office of the Parliamentarian Description: House of Representatives Document 108-93. June 20, 2003. Provides a basic outline of the steps in the Federal lawmaking process. 108th Congress, 1st Session. Jacket 87-101. Year/Pages: 2003: 67 p. revised ed. Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications 2003 Publisher: Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Library Programs Service, Library Division, Cataloging Branch Description: Monthly periodical. Subscription service covers issues dated 2003. Provides brief cataloging records for government publications that were cataloged during each month. Citations include Internet Persistent Uniform Resource Locators (PURLS) for those titles that are available electronically over the Internet. Arranged by Superintendent of Documents (SuDocs) classification numbers. Copies of 2003 issues will be retained in stock for individual purchase for 12 months after their publication. Single copy, $15.00; foreign single copy, $21.00. MC03. File Code 1F. Price: $61.00 Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications, Periodicals Supplement for 1998 Publisher: Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Library Programs Service, Library Division, Cataloging Branch Description: No. 1255. Contains collective records for serial publications which are issued 3 or more times per year. Also lists title changes and discontinued periodicals. Includes entries 98-1 to 98-1013. Year/Pages: 1998: 366 p. Price: $35.00 Monthly Catalog, Periodicals Supplement for 2000, No. 1281, Entries 2000-1 to 2000-892 Publisher: Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Library Programs Service, Library Division, Cataloging Branch Description: On cover and spine: "Monthly Catalog: Periodical Supplement for 2000, Entries 2000-1 to 2000-892." Contains bibliographic entries 2000-1 to 2000-892 from the United States Government Publications Monthly Catalog (MOCAT) arranged in Superintendent of Documents classification number order. Each record is assigned a unique catalog number, with each author further identified by the name and address of the issuing agency. All bibliographic records include all data produced in the equivalent OCLC (Online Computer Information Center, Inc.) record. Indexes include author, title, subject, series/report, contract number, and stock number. Edge Indexed. Item -01. Year/Pages: 2000: 355 p. Monthly Catalog, Serials Supplement for 2002, No. 1307, Entries 2002-1 to 2002-3129 Publisher: Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Library Programs Service, Library Division, Cataloging Branch Description: Includes bibliographic entries 2002-1 to 2002-3129 from the United States Government Publications Monthly Catalog (MOCAT) arranged in Superintendent of Documents classification number order. Contains collective records for serial publications which are issued three or more times each year. Each record is assigned a unique catalog number, with each author further identified by the name and address of the issuing agency. All bibliographic records include all data produced in the equivalent OCLC (Online Computer Information Center, Inc.) record. Indexes include author, title, subject, series/report, contract number, and stock number. Edge Indexed. Item -01. ISSN 1538-7720 and ISSN 0362-6830. Year/Pages: 2002: 1261 p. Price: $71.50 Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts and Outlays of the United States Government Publisher: Treasury Dept., Financial Management Service Description: Monthly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. No single copies sold. MTSRO. File Code 2E. Item 923-A-02. NOAA Strategic Plan: A Vision For 2005, Executive Summary, September 1998 Publisher: Commerce Dept., NOAA, Office of Policy and Strategic Planning Description: Cover title reads: Strategic Plan: A Vision For 2005, Executive Summary. Provides a summary of NOAA's strategic plan. Intended as a handbook for sustainable development. Year/Pages: 1998: 22 p.; ill. revised ed. Price: $1.39 Publisher: House, Committee on House Administration Description: H. Doc. 108-94. Printed under the authority of H. Con. Res. 139, 108th Congress. Provides information in a question and answer format. Covers a broad range of topics dealing with the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the United States government as well as the electoral process and the role of political parties. 108th Congress, 1st Session. Item 996-A. Year/Pages: 2003: 132 p. Price: $11.00 Publisher: Congress, Joint Committee on Printing Description: H. Doc. 108-97. Presents illustrations and history of the Stars and Stripes and of other flags used in the United States from colonial times to the present. Includes customs, traditions, and ceremonies relating to the flag. 108th Congress, 1st Session. Item 996-A. Year/Pages: 2003: 48 p.; ill. Price: $1.80 Pentagon, the First Fifty Years Publisher: Defense Dept., Office of the Secretary, Historical Office Description: Presents a history of the Pentagon during its first fifty years. Details the story of how the building was conceived and constructed by the War Department. Examines how the Pentagon has fared in the years since its completion in January 1943. Answers questions about the building's architecture, cost, inhabitants, environmental impact, and other subjects relating to its occupancy and use. L.C. card 92-20946. Year/Pages: 1992: 109 p.; ill. Price: $8.13 Power to Explore: A History of Marshall Space Flight Center, 1960-1990 Publisher: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA History Office, Office of Policy and Plans Description: NASA SP-4313. The NASA History Series. Places NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in social, scientific, and technological context. Traces the evolution of the institution from its origins as an Army missile development organization to its status in 1990 as one of the most diversified of NASA's field Centers. L.C. card 99-043539. Year/Pages: 1999: 723 p.; ill. Price: $54.00 President's Management Agenda, Fiscal Year 2002 Publisher: Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget Description: Focuses on 14 areas of government management which need improvement. Addresses the most apparent deficiencies where the opportunity to improve performance is the greatest. Year/Pages: 2001: 73 p.; ill. Price: $10.50 Public Laws, 108th Congress, First Session (Calendar Year 2003) Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Irregularly issued subscription service will include 1 copy of each Public Law passed by the 108th Congress during its first session and approved by the President. Also known as slip laws. Back issues will be furnished and single copy prices will vary. P1081. File Code 1L. Item 575. Price: $285.00 Publisher: Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy Description: S. Doc 105-2. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Chairman. Cover and spine titles read: Secrecy, Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy, 1997. Provides recommendations for actions by the executive and legislative branch to both protect and reduce government secrecy. Item 996-A. Year/Pages: 1997: 292 p.; ill. Responding to Domestic Violence: Where Federal Employees Can Find Help Publisher: Office of Personnel Management, Office of Workforce Relations Description: OWR-16. Contains up-to-date information about the problem of adult domestic violence. Intended to help the Federal employee in day-to-day efforts to stay safe. Supplies concrete advice for employees who are victims, for friends and co-workers, and for their supervisors. Guides the supervisor through an array of resources and management tools that can be brought to bear in a workplace violence situation. Year/Pages: 1999: 42 p.; ill. Price: $5.00 Salary Tables for 2003: Executive Branch of the Government Publisher: Office of Personnel Management Description: OPM Doc. 124-48-6. May 2003. Published for information and guidance in the preparation, certification, and payment of civilian payrolls and pay vouchers. Includes 2003 salary tables of basic, locality, and adjusted rates of pay for various positions. Year/Pages: 2003: 185 p. Price: $10.40 Space Shuttle Decision: NASA's Search for a Reusable Space Vehicle Publisher: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA History Office, Office of Policy and Plans Description: NASA SP-4221. NASA History Series. Explains the Space Shuttle's origins and early development. Details the debates in the late 1960's and early 1970's among policymakers in Congress, the Air Force, and the Office of Management and Budget over the roles and technical designs of the Shuttle. L.C. Card 98-49885. Year/Pages: 1999: 484 p.; ill. Price: $44.00 Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch Publisher: Office of Government Ethics Description: Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch, Final Regulation Issued by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, Codified in 5 C.F.R. Part 2635 (1/1/02 Edition), as Amended at 67 FR 61761-61762 (Oct. 2, 2002). OGE 10/02/02. Contains an informal computer-generated version of the regulatory text of the ethical conduct standards rule, effective February 3, 1993. Incorporates all amendments to the Standards of Ethical Conduct through October 2, 2002. Covers: general provisions; gifts; conflicting financial interests; impartiality in other official duties; other employment; misuse of position; outside activities; and related statutory authorities. Year/Pages: 2002: 82 p. Publisher: State Dept., Bureau of Human Resources Description: 12 issues per year. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 6 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $6.00; foreign single copy, $8.40. Cover title reads: State, The Newsletter, United States State Department. Published to acquaint the Department's officers and employees, at home and abroad, with developments of interest which may affect operations of personnel. Title formerly: Department of State Newsletter. DSNL. File Code 2M. Item 864-B. Title 5, United States Code, Government Organization and Employees, May 2001 Publisher: House, Committee on Government Reform Description: Committee Print. Includes amendments made through Public Law 106-580, December 31, 2000. 107th Congress, 1st Session. Jacket 70-524. Year/Pages: 2001: 926 p. Price: $23.19 Title 5, United States Code: Government Organization and Employees, October 2003 Publisher: House, Committee on Government Reform Description: Committee Print. Includes amendments to Title 5 made through Public Law 107-377, December 31, 2002. 108th Congress, 1st Session. Jacket 84-106. Year/Pages: 2003: 947 p. Price: $61.00 Publisher: Treasury Dept., Office of the Secretary Description: Quarterly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 2 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $18.00; foreign single copy, $25.20. A quarterly synopsis of Treasury activities, covering financing operations, budget receipts and expenditures, debt operations, cash income and outgo, internal revenue collections, capital movements, yields of long-term bonds, ownership of Federal securities, and other Treasury activities. TRBU. File Code 2M. Item 926-A. Publisher: House, Office of Law Revision Counsel Description: United States Code, 2000 Edition, Containing the General and Permanent Laws of the United States, in Force on January 2, 2001, V. 2, Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, Appendix, to Title 7, Agriculture, Sections 1-1900. Prepared under the authority of Title 2, United States Code, Section 285b. Cover title reads: United States Code, 2000 Edition, Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, Appendix, to Title 7, Agriculture, Sections 1-1900. Spine title reads: United States Code, 2000 Edition, Title 5, Appendix, to Title 7, Agriculture, Sections 1-1900. The spine also has a numeral 2 at the bottom. Year/Pages: 2001: 1170 p. Publisher: Government Printing Office Description: Prepared for the Joint Committee on Printing, United States Congress. Provides a finding aid for the reports and documents of the 103d Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions. Edge indexed. Item 557-A. Year/Pages: 2000: 681 p. Price: $68.50 Publisher: Government Printing Office, Library Programs Service, Cataloging Branch Description: Prepared for the Joint Committee on Printing, United States Congress. Provides a finding aid for the reports and documents of the 104th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions. Edge indexed. Item 557-A. Year/Pages: 2002: 665 p. United States Department of Interior Telephone Directory, 2000 Publisher: Interior Dept. Description: Cover title reads: United States Department of the Interior, Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area, 2000. Includes an alphabetical listing of Interior Department Personnel, quick reference section, an alphabetical listing of Bureau/Office services, an organizational listing, and other related information. Item 0601-C. Year/Pages: 2001: 118 p.; ill. Price: $6.79 Publisher: House, Office of the Law Revision Counsel Description: Spine title reads: United States Code on CD-ROM. Prepared and published under authority of Title 2, United States Code, Section 285b. Software: Personal Librarian for Windows, PLWIN, and PLDOS. Includes user's manual and PLS User License Agreement. IMPORTANT: By breaking the seal to the CD-ROM case, you indicate acceptance of the PLS User License Agreement. CD-ROM, booklet, and license agreement, sold as a set. Item 991-B. Year/Pages: 2003: CD-ROM in plastic case with booklet. United States Department of State Telephone Directory, 2001, Fall Publisher: State Dept. Description: Gives the alphabetical directory of personnel for the State Department. Includes organizational directory for: State Department; Agency for International Development; Overseas Private Investment Corporation; Trade and Development Agency; and Broadcasting Board of Governors. Year/Pages: 2002: 232 p.; ill. Price: $12.19 United States General Services Administration Guide to Federal Government Sales Publisher: General Services Administration, Office of Citizen Services and Communications, Federal Citizen Information Center Description: Provides guidance on how to purchase surplus and/or forfeited items from Federal agencies. Gives information about sales items and sales locations; describes items for sale; lists addresses, telephone numbers, and web sites to contact for further information; and has a glossary and an index. Item 0580-B-02. Year/Pages: 2003: 32 p. revised ed. United States Statutes at Large, V. 116, 2002, 107th Congress, 2d Session Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: United States Statutes at Large, Containing the Laws and Concurrent Resolutions Enacted During the Second Session of the One Hundred Seventh Congress of the United States of America, 2002, and Proclamations, V. 116, in Four Parts, Pt. 1, Public Laws 107-137 Through 107-204; Pt. 2, Public Laws 107-205 Through 107-250; Pt. 3, Public Laws 107-251 Through 107-312; and Pt. 4, Public Laws 108-313 Through 108-377. 107th Congress, 2d Session. 4 books, sold as a set. Year/Pages: 2003: 4 bks. (3554 p.) Price: $116.00 Veterans Benefits Administration: An Organizational History, 1776-1994 Publisher: Veterans Affairs Dept., Veterans Benefits Administration Description: Provides a historical survey of legislative and organizational developments of the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) and its predecessor organizations. Examines the forces which have shaped our Nation's legacy of providing for veterans from the War for Independence to the Persian Gulf War. Places veterans benefits legislation and programs in a historical context. Describes the social, political, and economic factors which led to the many benefits VBA currently administers. Year/Pages: 1995: 97 p.; ill. Price: $4.79 [ Top ]
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