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 December 21, 2005

Record 2005/06 Cotton Yields Expected for West African Franc Zone   

The USDA December estimate of 2005/06 cotton production in West Africa's "Franc Zone" is 4.76 million bales, down 120,000 bales or 2 percent from last year’s record harvest of 4.89 million bales. Area is estimated at 2.44 million hectares, down slightly from last year’s 2.61 million. Farmers planted less cotton than last year due largely to low world prices, but above-average rainfall this year is forecast to boost yields to a record of 425 kilograms of lint per hectare.

The 2005/06 growing season in the major cotton regions was characterized by above-average seasonal rainfall (see map below) with good temporal distribution.  Early gin arrival reports from various Franc Zone countries confirm above-average cotton yields.  In addition, reports of high grain yields in the region are consistent with the gin-arrival reports indicating high cotton yields.  

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data collected from the MODIS sensor on the TERRA satellite also clearly show that vegetation health for this growing season was better than the 5-year average, especially for Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d’Ivoire, Mali and Senegal.  Assuming the quality and quantity of inputs such as fertilizes, and pesticides were similar to last year, cotton yields are forecast higher than last year's record crop.  

 season_rainfall_2005.gif (38936 bytes)


Summary Cotton Production Estimates by Country

Francophone Africa, or the cotton “Franc Zone” of west and central Africa, includes the following ten countries in order of raw cotton production for this year: Burkina Faso, Mali, Benin, Cote d'Ivoire, Cameroon, Chad, Togo, Senegal, Central African Republic, and Niger. Cotton within the Franc Zone is typically planted from May through July and harvested from October through December.

Summary USDA cotton estimates for West Africa presented below are based largely on in-country government reports, FAS attaché reports, field travel by FAS personnel, news wire articles, agro-meteorology data, and near real-time satellite imagery from Crop Explorer and the MODIS sensor.  Cotton output for 2005/06 is expected to reach record levels for Burkina Faso and Cameroon.  Mali has the highest 5-year production average for the region, but Burkina Faso this year will surpass Mali in both acreage and output.   

Graph compares current year estiments with previous year and 5-year average estimates.



Related Links with the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)  


2005 Grains Production Report from West Africa

2005 NDVI/MODIS (250-meter) Analysis over African Franc Zone

World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) for 12/9/05

Crop Explorer (for West Africa)

NDVI/MODIS Time-Series Analysis

PECAD Update (2004): Record Cotton Harvest Expected for West Africa

PECAD Update (2003): Bumper Cotton Harvest Expected in West African

PECAD Update (2002): Several Cotton Regions Dry in African Franc Zone during 2002


For more information contact Curt Reynolds | | (202) 690-0134
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