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November 22, 2005

China:  Higher Rice Production in 2005/06


The USDA estimates China rice production for  2005/06 at 127.4 million tons (182.0 million tons, rough basis), up more than 2.0 million from last year.  The estimated area of 29.0 million hectares is up 0.6 million from last year and is the highest area since 2000/01.  Government incentives, including direct subsidies to rice farmers and the abolishment of agricultural taxes in most provinces, encouraged farmers to increase rice area in 2004 and 2005 after dropping to a record-low level of 26.5 million hectares in 2003.  The estimated yield of 6.28 tons per hectare (paddy basis) is down slightly from last year. 

China produces three rice crops a year: a double crop of early and late rice in southern China and a single crop of rice in central, Northeast, and Northwest China.  According to the latest report from the National Bureau of Statistics, China’s 2005/06 early rice crop, harvested in July, dropped by 1.3 percent in 2005 to an estimated 31.8 million tons.  The NBS's estimated yield of 5.42 tons per hectare was lower than last year but close to average.  

Single-crop rice, which accounts for about two-thirds of total production, was harvested in September.  Rainfall was heavier than normal in most single rice areas this summer, providing abundant moisture for crop development.  Tropical storms caused some crop damage along the east coast and in parts of central China, but flooding was minor and crop losses were relatively insignificant.  Single rice yields in 2005/06 are expected to be close to the 5-year average.  

Harvest is nearly complete for the late rice crop.  Late rice yields dropped sharply in 2004/05 due to unusually dry autumn weather in southern China. This year, drier than normal weather has been reported in parts of Guangdong, Hunan, and Zhejiang, but overall conditions are generally favorable and late rice yields are expected to recover. 




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China Rice - Area, Production and Yield Graphs

China Rice - Early, Late, and Single Crop Rice data


For more information contact Paulette Sandene| | (202) 690-0133


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