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Grain: World Markets and Trade
Foreign Agricultural Service Circular Series
FG 08-05

August 2005 

Former Soviet Union Wheat Exports Expected Strong

Wheat exports from the key Former Soviet Union suppliers (Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan) are expected to climb this year to the second highest level in history. The combination of larger stocks and higher production has boosted exportable supplies and pushed down prices. Although wheat feed use in Russia and Ukraine could be up as a result of smaller barley and corn crops, supplies should be ample to cover both domestic feed demand and large export programs. In fact, early season sales from old crop stocks have already been unseasonably strong.

Exports to nearby North African and Middle Eastern markets could be higher with rising demand (due to lower production) as well as smaller supplies available from Argentina. Lower freight rates could also boost sales into Asian markets. For Kazakhstan, higher production and recent improvements in rail and port infrastructure are expected to facilitate greater spring wheat exports outside traditional Former Soviet Union markets.

Green ball image Complete Grain Report in PDF: Text and Tables

Green ball image All Grain Summary Tables: Foreign Countries and US Data

Green ball image World Markets and Trade: Commentary and Current Data

Wheat Commentary [Text]  [Adobe Acrobat Format]
Wheat Data Tables    [Excel Spreadsheet Format] [Adobe Acrobat Format]
Rice Commentary   [Text] [Adobe Acrobat Format]
Rice Data Tables    [Excel Spreadsheet Format] [Adobe Acrobat Format]
Coarse Grains Commentary [Text] [Adobe Acrobat Format]
Coarse Grains Data Tables Excel Spreadsheet Format]   [Adobe Acrobat Format]

Green ball image Historical Data Tables: Selected Regions and Countries

Green ball image General Footnotes for Grain Tables

Green ball image Grain and Feed mailContact List


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Last modified: Thursday, November 13, 2003