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November 2001

Bar graph showing that the 2001/2002 world rice production prospects have fallen

World rice production for 2001/02 is forecast at 393.3 million tons (milled basis), down 2.5 million from last year's output, as a sharp 4.8 million ton drop in China's production is only partially offset by a 2.7 million increase in India. In Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, Philippines, and Cambodia), production is forecast only marginally higher year-to-year, at 90.4 million tons in 2001/02 versus 89.7 million in 2000/01. Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines are the only Southeast Asia countries expected to increase production. Slightly higher yields account for the improvement in production prospects in Vietnam and Indonesia, while rising output in the Philippines is a function of increased area. Output in Thailand, Burma, and Cambodia is forecast to be virtually the same as in 2000/01. See Table 20 for a comparison of the major rice producers.

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Updated: December 03, 2003

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