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November 5, 2001

Florida Escapes Hurricane Michelle   

Florida escaped the wrath of hurricane Michelle as it continued to move northeastward at 15 knots after ravaging Cuba. Michelle was also downgraded from a category-4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale on November 3 to a category-2 hurricane by November 5, with sustained gusts in the range of 96-110 mph.  

Southern Florida experienced a brief period of rain and gusty winds associated with the squall lines within the outflow boundaries of hurricane Michelle. Cumulative rainfall for the period November 1-4, 2001, indicates that the associated rainfall was generally within 25mm and did not result in any flooding.  The impact of the associated rain and winds on the plantation crops (oranges and sugarcane) should be very minimal.

For more information, contact Rao Achutuni with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division on (202) 690-0140.

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