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September 27, 2001

North Korea Update - Improved Weather for 2001/02 Summer Crops

The weather in North Korea was unusually hot and dry during the 2001/02 summer crop planting season (April through June).  This resulted in planting and germination delays, reduced planted area, poor emergence, and irrigation problems in many areas.  However, widespread moderate to heavy rainfall  from July through mid-August boosted moisture supplies and improved corn and rice yield prospects.  Near- to below-normal rainfall in August and early September also proved favorable for summer crop maturation and harvest.  Corn harvesting began in August, while rice harvesting will begin in September and continue through October.  Additional rainfall in October will be needed to provide adequate moisture for the 2002 winter crops (wheat and barley), which are being planted now.  

North Korea's 2001/02 rice crop is currently estimated at 1.3 million tons (milled basis), unchanged from last year.  Corn production is estimated at 1.3 million tons, down 4 percent from last year due mainly to lower planted area.  Estimated yield for both corn and rice are below than the 5-year average due to unfavorable early-season dryness. Wheat and barley production in 2001/02 is estimated at 100,000 tons, down 33 percent from last year due to spring drought.  

Cumulative Rainfall Through September 26

  1. Dandong

  2. Kusong

  3. Huichon

  4. Anju

  5. Pyongyang

  6. Nampo

  7. Ryongyon

  8. Sariwon

  9. Singye

  10. Haeju

USDA/FAS/PECAD WMO Weather Stations

Go to the Korea Home Page.  

For more information, contact Paulette Sandene with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division on (202) 690-0133.

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