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September 18, 2001

Syria's 2001/02 Wheat and Barley Production Reaches Record Levels 


Syria’s 2001/02 wheat and barley production reached record levels due to excellent rainfall and suitable temperatures and humidity throughout the growing season.  Wheat production for the 2001/02 marketing year is estimated at 4.5 million tons, up 0.7 million from last month and up 1.8 million from last year.  Barley production for 2001/02 is estimated at 1.7 million tons, up 0.4 million from last month and up 1.6 million from last year.  The barley crop is 99 percent rainfed; about 40 percent the wheat crop is irrigated. 

Full Drought Recovery

Syria is recovering from two consecutive drought years during the 1999/2000 and 2000/01 crops.  Syria also experienced a drought during the 1997/98 crop year, but wheat production recovered slightly in 1998/99.  During the drought years, wheat was less affected than barley due to more wheat area being irrigated.  Last year’s barley crop was a complete failure due to drought, resulting in record barley imports. 

 Graph showing Syrian Wheat and Barley Production


For more information, contact Curt Reynolds with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division at (202) 690-0134 or e-mail  ReynoldsC@fas.usda.gov.

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