USDA logo USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade

July 2001 Edition

World Oilseed Output and Trade Expected at Record Levels in 2001/2002

World Oilseed Output and Trade Expected At Record Levels in 2001/2001

World oilseed production and export forecasts for 2001/2002 show increases of 2.9 percent and 1 percent respectively. Most of the production increase is due to a rise in soybean output, with cottonseed, rapeseed, palm kernel and peanuts also contributing. Minor declines are expected in the production of copra and sunflowerseed. The 2001/2002 projection for soybean production is 177MMT, about 3 percent higher than last year’s record crop. Exports are expected to be nearly 5 percent above 2000/2001 levels at almost 55 MMT, as soybean exports more than offset expected declines in most other oilseeds. Exports of sunflowerseed and rapeseed are expected to be especially weak, declining 12 percent and 15 percent respectively. Ending stocks for all oilseeds should decline about 1 percent from recent high levels, as consumption increases more than supply.

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Approved by the World Agricultural Outlook Board/USDA


Last modified: Tuesday, September 14, 2004