USDA logo USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Cotton: World Markets and Trade

Southern Belt Production Falls
After a Decade of Growth

Graph showing Production and Price of Cotton in the Southern Belt (MY92/93 - MY01/02 forecast)

After a decade of nearly continuous growth, production in the southern belt in MY2001/02 is expected to decline by nearly 30 percent from last year. Originally, USDA's July southern belt forecast for MY2001/02 showed a 5-percent increase in area from last year. In October, however, due to declining world cotton prices, among other considerations area is expected to be fall 15 percent from last year. Compared to the July forecast expected area is now 22 percent lower in Brazil and 14 percent lower in Australia. Because of a later planting season than northern crops, southern belt producers were able to react to the fall in world prices since the beginning of the year by adjusting their planting intentions, unlike northern producers whose crops were already planted.

Download the entire circular.


U.S. Cotton Outlook

World Cotton Outlook

Cotton Prices

U.S. Cotton Highlights

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Last modified: Tuesday, August 30, 2005