USDA logo USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Cotton: World Markets and Trade

China: Net Importer in MY2001/2002



The initial 2001/02 forecast for China's consumption is unchanged from the 2000/01 estimate of 23.5 million bales.  Production in 2001/02 is forecast at 22.0 million bales, up 8 percent from the 2000/01 estimate. With consumption forecast above production for the third consecutive year, ending stocks are expected to continue to tighten. Ending stocks of 10.8 million bales will be the lowest level since 1994/95.  The relatively tight stock situation and high internal prices are expected to lead to increased imports, forecast at 1.25 million bales with exports forecast stable at 500,000 bales.  This forecast does not assume WTO accession for China, consistent with USDA practice of not incorporating the effects of policy changes until they actually occur.

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Last modified: Tuesday, August 30, 2005