Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



December 17, 2003

Middle East and Turkey:
Warmer Than Normal and Plenty of Moisture

Winter grain (wheat and barley) planting began in September and continues till the end of December in some parts of the region.  Early season cumulative precipitation has been near- to above-normal for almost all major wheat growing areas of the Middle East and Turkey.  Adequate rainfall created good soil moisture conditions for establishment of winter grains, except in  Azarbayejan, in northwest Iran, and parts of northwestern Iraq, where rainfall has been below normal thus far this season.  In western Turkey, precipitation in recent weeks provided beneficial moisture after a dry November and has brought seasonal totals closer to normal.  Warmer-than-normal weather is aiding early crop growth in the lower elevations and more southerly growing areas of the region.  Above-normal temperatures have also reduced snow cover for this time of year compared to last.

This season follows two years of bumper crops that were preceded by the  drought years 1999-2001. Drought reduced water supplies for irrigated crops and caused moisture shortfalls for rainfed crops, drastically cutting output for Iran, Iraq, and Syria for two to three years.  Favorable weather the past two seasons has permitted production to recover to pre-drought levels, however, and is also recharging water reservoirs and groundwater reserves for irrigated crops.

Last year the largest wheat producers in this region—Turkey, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq—produced an estimated 38.3 million tons of wheat, up 2 percent from the previous year, and 21 percent higher than the five-year average of 31.7 million tons.  Only Turkey and Syria do not import wheat.  The region also produced an estimated 11.4 million tons of barley last year.

For more information, contact Maria Anulacion
 of the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division at 202-690-0139 or

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