Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



December 12, 2003

Global Crop Watch

Click on the images to see this week's Crop Watch updates.

Global Crop Watch Summary - December 12, 2003

Global Crop Watch Summary for December 12, 2003.  Warm and dry weather stressed emerging crops in South Africa.  Rain improved moisture for summer crop planting in Australia and South America.  Growing conditions for winter wheat are better than last year in the Ukraine; conditions in the US are mixed.  

Australia - Wheat Production Graph

Australia - Higher Wheat Production in 2003/04 due to Higher Area and Yields.  Wheat production in 2003/04 is expected to recover completely  from last year's drought-impacted crop. 


Australia - Precipitation Map

Australia -  Precipitation during the 2003/04 Growing Season Better than Last Year.   Rainfall from May/October 2003 was 100 to 200 mm higher than during May/October 2002, when Australia suffered from a severe drought.  Crops benefited from the additional rainfall and yields were much higher.

Argentina - Drought Map

Argentina - Drought Affected Areas.  A serious drought in western Argentina during November affected several major crops, including corn, soybeans, peanuts, sorghum, sunflower, and wheat.

Argentina - Soil Moisture Map

Argentina - Current Soil Moisture Conditions.  Soil moisture deficits persist in key growing areas despite recent rainfall in central Argentina.

Argentina - Soybean Area Graph

Argentina - Soybean Area Increases to New Record in 2003/04.  Soybean area is expected to increase because corn and sunflower area decreased due to drought.  The drought is also expected to lower soybean yields this year. 

United States - Precipitation Map

United States Cumulative Precipitation Map for 7 days ending December 10, 2003.  Wet, cold and windy weather covered most of the eastern US, while very dry weather stressed winter crops in the Southwest.  The Northwest had locally heavy rain/snow but temperatures were warmer than normal.  The northern plains were generally cold and dry.

US Drought Monitor Map - December 9, 2003

U.S. Drought Monitor - December 9, 2003.  Recent rain has eased drought conditions in the Northwest and California.  The Intermountain West remains very dry, and pockets of drought affect the Plains and western Corn Belt.  Drought is expanding in the southern Plains.  Conditions are wet east of the Mississippi.  For more details, go to:



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