Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



May 16, 2003

Global Crop Watch

Click on the images to see this week's Crop Watch updates.

Global Crop Watch table - May 16, 2003

Global Crop Watch Summary May 16, 2003.  Showers in west Australia, dry in Eastern Europe, rain needed in the Ukraine, welcome dryness in Argentina, favorably dry in North Africa, showers in China, very wet in eastern and central US.  

Middle East Precipitation Map - May 4 to 10, 2003

Middle East Precipitation Map for May 4 - 10, 2003.   Seasonably dry in most areas, following near-normal winter precipitation.  Very warm temperatures (2-6 C. above normal) favored winter grain development.  

Western Europe Rainfall Map - May 1 to 10, 2003

Western Europe Rainfall Map for May 1 - 10, 2003.   Widespread showers improved soil moisture for crops in western and northern France, Germany, and adjoining areas.  Heavy rain caused local flooding in Spain.  Mostly dry weather covered Italy and Greece.  For crop information, see "EU-15: 2003 Grain Forecast by Country"


United States and Mexico 7-day Rainfall Map - ending May 14, 2003

United States and Mexico Precipitation Map for 7 days ending May 14, 2003.  Very wet and stormy weather covered the Corn Belt and Midwest, with tornadoes, hail, and flooding.  Hot and dry weather persisted in Texas, the Southwest, and Mexico.  Unseasonably wet and cool weather reported in the Northwest and East.  


United States_East - Soil moisture map for May 12, 2003 and Corn harvested area map.

Eastern United States - Soil Moisture Map for May 12, 2003.  Persistent heavy rain in April and May has saturated soils in the Midwest.  Corn and soybean planting has been delayed, and local flooding was reported from Michigan to the Delta.


US Drought Monitor - May 12, 2003

United States Drought Monitor Map for May 13, 2003.  Since March, drought conditions have intensified in Texas, Oklahoma, and the lower Mississippi.  They have eased in the Plains, upper Midwest, and Northwest.  Drought persists in the Southwest and Great Basin. 

Spring and Summer Streamflow Forecast Map as of May 1, 2003

United States - Spring and Summer Stream flow Forecasts as of May 1, 2003.  Extended drought in the western US has hurt stream flow.  Recent rain has improved conditions in the Northwest but stream flow remains very low in the Great Basin. 

United States, Record Breaking Tornadoes in May 2003

United States - Record Breaking Tornadoes in May 2003.   The central US experienced a record-breaking week of tornadoes from May 4 through May 10, when at least 384 tornadoes occurred in 19 states and caused 42 deaths.  The tornadoes were accompanied by torrential rainfall and damaging hail. 




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