Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



April 4, 2003

Global Crop Watch

Click on the images to see this week's Crop Watch updates.

Global Crop Watch Table for April 4, 2003

Global Crop Watch Summary, April 4, 2003.   Favorable harvest weather in South America.  Dryness returned to South Africa.  Timely rainfall in North Africa for winter crops.  Seasonable temperatures and rainfall in China.  Winter lingers in Russia.  Mixed conditions for US wheat crop, with scattered showers and variable temperatures.

China rainfall map and temperature departure map for March 21 - 31, 2003

China - Rainfall and Temperature Departure from Normal maps for March 21 - 31, 2003.  Moderate rainfall and milder temperatures favored spring planting in southern China.  Warm temperatures boosted winter crop development on the North China Plain, but soil moisture is short.  Spring planting may start ahead of schedule in the Northeast due to above-normal temperatures.


China rainfall graph - Yangtze River Baisn

China - Drier in the Yangtze River Valley.  Drier weather in late March reversed a wetter-than -normal trend in the Yangtze River Valley for winter crops.  Excessive rainfall caused yield losses and flood damage in 2002.    

Eastern Europe Map - Cold winter temperatures in 2002/03

Eastern Europe - Unfavorably Cold Winter Weather in 2002/03.  The winter season was the coldest in many years in Central Europe.  Planting was delayed by wetness last fall.  Late-planted crops had poor germination and were vulnerable to freeze damage.  For more information, see  Central and Eastern Europe Winter Crop Situation  on the FAS website.

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U.S. and Mexico 7-Day Cumulative Rainfall Map through April 2, 2003.   The Northwest had widespread rain and snow, but water supplies are still short.  The Plains were mostly dry, but storms brought rain, snow and colder weather to the upper Midwest and eastern U.S.  No freeze damage was reported in the Southeast.  Mexico was mostly dry.

US Drought Monitor map for March 25, 2003

U.S. Drought Monitor Map - March 25, 2003.   Recent precipitation eased the drought in the upper Midwest.  NOAA reports drought in parts of the Corn Belt and Plains.  Significant rain and snow improved moisture conditions in the Rockies, northern Great Basin, and Pacific Northwest.  See the Drought Monitor website for more information.  


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