Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



March 17, 2003

Crop Tour Within South Africa's Maize Triangle

An USDA/FAS crop assessment team was sent to South Africa's Maize Triangle during the last week of February to assess  2002/03 crop conditions. Corn was the main crop surveyed, and the crop tour route covered both the eastern and western regions of the Maize Triangle, as shown in Figure 1




Figure 1.  South Africa Crop Tour Route within the Maize Triangle


In general, the corn crop in the low-yielding west was observed to be near- to below-average, while the corn crop in the high-yielding east was below-average, due to below normal rainfall for the entire season.  Both regions experienced a difficult crop season because plantings were delayed 2-4 weeks to mid-December, heat stress occurred during late January, and low soil moisture reserves were observed during early February (summary weather and NDVI data). 


Local reports and field observations for the 2002/03 season, supported by rainfall and NDVI data (summary weather and NDVI data), include:

It appears all major agricultural inputs were readily available to farmers and no major pests or disease problems were reported or observed.  Reports indicate that short-season cultivars were planted in the west due to delayed rainfall; these short-season cultivars are typically lower yielding in comparison to medium- to long-season varieties. Many short-season seeds have not been tested under drought conditions and they may not perform well under such a difficult growing season. 


A near-record level ratio  of white to yellow corn (67/33 percent) was planted this year.  Prices for white corn, in comparison to yellow, are no longer at premium levels.  These recent price trends indicate too much white corn will be produced this year.

Map showing below-average vegetation conditions in February 2003.

Figure 2.   NDVI Anomaly (Vegetation Condition) for February 2003


Related Weather Links

Summary 2002/03 Weather and NDVI for South Africa's Maize Triangle

Crop Explorer for Southern Africa

Rainfall Anomalies for Africa

NDVI Anomalies for Africa

Average First Date of Heavy Frost in South Africa

For more information, contact Curt Reynolds
with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division, at or (202) 690-0134.

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