Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



February 14, 2003

Global Crop Watch

Click on the images to see this week's Crop Watch updates.

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Global Crop Watch Summary, February 14, 2003.  Rainfall continued to benefit summer crops in Brazil and Argentina. Rainfall was lighter and more widely scattered across South Africa's Maze Triangle. Rain and snow benefited winter wheat across the Southern Plains and western Montana.

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What Can We Expect Following An El Nino.  The current El Nino continues to show signs of subsiding. Based on historical data, monitoring the 5 month trends after the event, no historical trend is evident.  Some year's following El Nino, patterns have shifted to La Ninas, while at other times, El Ninos have been followed by several years of "non-events".   For more information see the NOAA CPC's ENSO update.


South America - Cumulative Precipitation for this week. Through February 12, 2003, precipitation benefited summer crops across the major growing areas of both Argentina and Brazil.  Eastern Brazil was dry and hot.


Putting Historical Reference on the Current Australian Drought.   This chart from the Commonwealth of Australia's Bureau of Meteorology website, indicates that the current drought is in the top 5 percentile of worst droughts in that country's last 100 years. 


Australia - Sorghum and Cotton Areas.  These maps, produced by USDA's World Agricultural Outlook Board, show the major sorghum and cotton growing areas of Australia and also show the "typical" crop calendars for these crops.

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Australia Rainfall Map.  Cumulative rainfall map for the period of August 2002 through January 2003.

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Australia Rainfall Map.   Cumulative rainfall for the seven day period ending February 11, 2003.  Much needed rain fell across the northern-most cotton and sorghum growing areas.

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U.S. Seven Day Cumulative Precipitation Map.  This map shows precipitation for the week ending  February 12, 2003.  Much needed rain fell across Southern California and the inter-mountain west.  Rainfall was also widespread from eastern Texas through the Southeast. On the 13th, much needed rain and snow fell from Arizona to central Kansas.

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North America Snow Cover Maps.  These maps compare snow cover during January 29, 2003 with February 12,2003.  Snow melted across Kansas, Nebraska, and the western Corn Belt. Snow cover also increased across Montana and the Rocky Mountains.



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