Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



February 7, 2003

Global Crop Watch

Click on the images to see this week's Crop Watch updates.

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Global Crop Watch Summary, February 7, 2003.  Heavy snow in Russia, seasonably dry in northern China, mixed rain/snow in the EU, dry in parts of Argentina and Brazil, scattered showers in South Africa, timely precipitation for wheat in the US southern Plains. 

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Australia - Hot and Dry Weather in Eastern Australia.  Summer crops in Queensland and northern New South Wales have been seriously stressed by drought.  Drought also affects winter crop areas of western and southern Australia.  


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United States - 7 day Cumulative Precipitation Map for the Week Ending February 3, 2003.  Rain and snow reported over most of the East, light snow dusted the northern plains and Corn Belt, the Northwest saw locally heavy rain. The snow pack in the West is below normal.  Late this week, a storm brought needed rain/snow to the southern plains. 


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Current El Niño Situation.  The moderate El Niño that has affected the weather this fall and winter appears to be weakening.  It will continue to weaken between February and April 2003.  Sea surface temperatures should return to normal during May through October, 2003.  

Go to the NOAA website for the latest El Niño analysis.




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