Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



January 24, 2003

Global Crop Watch

Click on the images to see this week's Crop Watch updates.

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Global Crop Watch Summary, January 24, 2003.  Milder temperatures in Asia, Europe, and the Russia, favorable rainfall in South America, mostly dry and cold and dry over the US, more rain needed in South Africa. 

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South America - Abundant Rainfall for Summer Crops.  Cumulative rainfall from October 1, 2002 to January 20, 2003 has been normal to above normal over most crop areas of Argentina and Brazil.  Bumper crops are forecast this year.

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Southern Africa - Scarce Rainfall for Summer Crop.  Cumulative rainfall from October 1 2002 to January 20, 2003 has been close to normal in South Africa but much-below normal in neighboring countries, which are suffering from drought and food shortages.

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China - Temperature Departure from Normal.  After a cold spell in December and January, temperatures rose above normal across East Asia, easing the threat of freeze damage to winter crops. 

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United States - 7 Day Cumulative Precipitation Map through January22, 2003.  Light precipitation, mostly in the form of snow, with heaviest amounts in North and South Caroline.  Southwest, southern plains, and upper Midwest were mostly dry.

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United States - Snow Cover Maps - January 15 vs January 22, 2003.  Snow cover increased last week in the northern Plains and western Corn Belt, offering winter wheat partial protection from cold temperatures.

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United States - Temperature Departure from Normal.    Abnormally cold weather extended from northern Plains to Florida from January 12 to 18, 2003.  Strong winds, but little precipitation.  The coldest temperatures since 1996 in the mid-Atlantic states.  Western states remained relatively mild. 

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United States - Extreme Minimum Temperature on January 23, 2003.  Freeze warnings in Florida for Jan 23/24, possible damage to citrus and vegetables.  Winter wheat crop vulnerable to cold and wind damage where snow cover is missing.  Cane crop in Louisiana is harvested, not affected.  



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