Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



January 10, 2003

Global Crop Watch

Click on the images to see this week's Crop Watch updates.

Global Crop Watch summary table

Global Crop Watch Summary, January 10, 2003. Widespread rainfall in Argentina and Brazil for summer crops, continued dry for winter wheat in China and US,  cold in Russia, showers in Australia, guarded in South Africa. 

South Africa vegetation comparison map

Southern Africa - Vegetation comparison map - December 20-31, 2002 vs Average.  Poor vegetation conditions eastern summer crop areas due to drought in November.  Conditions more favorable in the west.

Brazil soil moisture map

Brazil - Excellent Soil Moisture Underpins Record Crop Outlook.  Rainfall has been abundant this year, raising soil moisture to optimal levels for summer crops.

China soil moisture comparison map

China - Soil moisture comparison maps, December 31, 2002 vs December 31, 2001.  Soil moisture levels are very low in the North China Plain, the major winter wheat region.  Emergence was poor - more rain will be needed for normal development.  Soil moisture is very high in southern China

United States - rainfall map and temperature map

United States - Rainfall and temperature maps, December 30, 2002 to January 4, 2003.   Rain and snow in the Northwest, south and east.  Great Plains and northern Corn Belt remained dry.  Mild temperatures last week. 

United States - Drough severity map

United States - Palmer Long-term Drought Severity Map for January 4, 2003.  Favorable moisture in the west, soggy conditions in the south and east, plains and mountains show signs of drought.  



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