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Center for Industrial Research and Service (CIRAS)

Contact us

Since 1963, CIRAS has been helping Iowa State University Extension and the College of Engineering carry out their land-grant university mission to improve the quality of life in Iowa by enhancing the performance of Iowa industry.

Many of the resources that are available through CIRAS partnerships are detailed in the Industry Services list.  If you need assistance assessing problems or you need a resource that is not listed, your regional account manager will work with you to resolve your problem.

Account Manager Territories Map.

Find your county on the map above to determine which regional account manager can best assist you in your area.  Move your cursor over the regions to view the county names and the associated account manager's name and phone number — click on the county to view all the account manager's information.

CIRAS account manager, Bob Coacher, works with staff at The Plastic Professionals, in Atlantic.

Director's monthly radio comment on manufacturing and the economy. (December 2008, mp3 file)

Food Entrepreneur Assistance Program, 2/28/2009, King's Pointe Resort, Storm Lake IA.

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Allen K. Meier: Reducing Energy Demand through Conservation and Increased Efficiency, 1/29/2009, Alliant Energy-Lee Liu Auditorium, Howe Hall, ISU Campus, Ames, IA.

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Last updated: 12/17/2008

Center for Industrial Research and Service
2272 Howe Hall Suite 2620
Ames, Iowa, 50011-2272
Phone: 515-294-3420