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Farm Assessment Toolkit

Why save Energy?

Electrical energy consumption in agriculture has been steadily rising due to increases in mechanization, use of confinement housing, and farm size. The State of Wisconsin has recognized that individuals and business owners can reduce costs by adopting energy saving technologies in all sectors of the economy.

Focus on Energy, Wisconsin's statewide energy efficiency initiative can help you improve energy efficiency and reduce energy-related costs on your farming operation. When you upgrade older equipment or purchase high efficiency equipment to reduce energy consumption, it generally results in improved processes, reduced costs or the same quality for less cost--a win-win situation. Other long-term results include cleaner air due to less fossil fuels being burned, less dependence on unstable foreign energy sources and slower escalation of energy costs due to lower demand. Reducing electrical energy consumption could also delay the need for new power generation plants and transmission lines which no one wants in their backyard.

This web site will help different agricultural enterprises assess whether there are energy saving opportunities that would cost effectively lower energy bills or improve production efficiency. In some cases, grants are available to buy down the cost of implementing energy saving technologies.

How will an assessment help me?

If you are willing to take a few minutes to collect the information and work through the assessment tool, you will be able to identify maintenance issues, process parameters or equipment that could improve your bottom line. This tool can also provide you with information that will prevent you from making a decision that may increase your energy costs due to competing technologies.

What types of energy saving technologies are used?

On dairy operations the main energy saving technologies include refrigeration heat recovery, well water precooler, variable speed vacuum pumps, scroll refrigeration compressors, energy efficient lighting and high volume low speed (HVLS) fans. Beef or replacement heifer raising enterprises can save energy with energy efficient lighting, high efficiency insulated waterers and HVLS fans. Poultry and pork producers will find savings with energy efficient lighting and energy efficient heating systems. Producers that dry grains can make their energy purchases stretch the farthest using in-bin layered or recirculation drying for small producers, in-bin counter-flow continuous drying for medium and large producers. Automated control systems and heat recovery will also cost effectively save money on existing drying systems. Fruit and vegetable growers who refrigerate their products can save by using scroll compressors on mechanical refrigeration systems and refrigeration heat recovery if hot water is required for cleaning or processing. Where 3-phase electrical power is used, additional savings can be gained from the use of premium efficiency electric motors.

How does this work?

If you have not already created a free account, click here to do so. You will be asked to supply a user name and password, which you'll need to remember to use the account again. You will also be asked for your zip code. Both your zip code and the user name that you create are required in order to access the assessments.

Each assessment will take about 10-20 minutes to complete. The assessments are intended to collect general information about your operation to help you determine if you may be able to make some energy savings. At the end of each assessment, you will get a report with your responses and any energy tips that might be appropriate.

After completing an assessment, you can print out the report and use it to guide decisions you make to improve the energy efficiency of your farming operation. You may also wish to contact Focus on Energy representative or partner, for additional assistance. You can reach Focus on Energy by calling 1-800-762-7077 or by filling out the contact form at the bottom of each page of the assessment.

If you would like to know how Focus on Energy will use your information, please review our privacy statement.

Please enter your user name.

Please enter your password. 

(No spaces! Note what you enter; you'll need to remember it exactly to access your information if you return.)

Don't have a username and passphrase? Click here to create a new account.

This assessment toolkit is a product of a partnership between Wisconsin Focus on Energy and University of Wisconsin Extension.