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December 12, 2000


Widespread showers during the September to November period boosted soil moisture reserves and benefited cotton plantings. Brazil appears to be headed towards a record cotton crop, if normal weather conditions continue through the rest of the growing season.

The MY2000/01 cotton crop (September - December planting) in Brazil is forecast at 3.7 million bales, up 9 percent from last month and 19 percent over last year (Fig. 1). Harvested area is estimated at 0.89 million hectares, up 19 percent over last year (Fig. 2). Yield is currently estimated at about 905 kilograms per hectare (Fig. 3) in response to increases in overall technological inputs (fertilizers, lime, pesticides etc.). Preliminary surveys conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, National Supply Company (CONAB) indicate significant increases in planted area (Fig. 4) from last year in the states of Mato Grosso (+30%), Parana (+20%), Goias (+14%),Mato Grosso do Sul (10%), and Bahia (+3%). Area decreases are being reported in the states of Minas Gerais (-17%) and Sao Paulo (-3%). Overall, Brazil is anticipating a 12 percent increase in cotton area over last year.

Brazil’s MY1999/2000 cotton crop (February - May, 2000 harvest) production is revised upward by 200,000 bales to 3.1 million bales. The harvested area is revised upward by 17,000 hectares to 0.75 million hectares.

Previous Brazil Highlights Brazil Map
AVHRR Composite Cotton Prod (%) by State

For more information, contact Rao Achutuni with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division on (202) 690-0140.


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