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May 11, 2000

Spring Conditions in Eastern Europe:

Moist in North, Dry in Southern Balkans

Spring planting continues across eastern Europe while winter grain and rapeseed growth progresses. Consistently above average temperatures have fall planted crops developing 1-2 weeks ahead of schedule. Most of eastern Europe has received adequate to surplus rainfall which has provided appropriate moisture levels throughout the winter and spring months for crop development. Romania and Hungary (particularly eastern Hungary) have seen significant flooding, primarily as a result of spring snowmelt caused by high temperatures recorded in the Carpathian Mountains. Most of the flooding, however, has been localized and confined to land located immediately along rivers, so agricultural damage has been minimal. Romanian floods reportedly covered 13,000 hectares of total cropland, and killed thousands of livestock. Hungary may have lost as much as 45,000 hectares to wheat. Recent dry weather has improved the outlook for Hungary and Romania. If the current drying trend continues, flooded areas will most likely be re-seeded to corn.

In contrast to the northern regions of eastern Europe; Bulgaria and southern Romania have experienced extended dryness over the last few months. Fortunately, the most critical areas in southern Bulgaria have just received rainfall accumulations totaling 25 millimeters during the last week in April. The regional dryness, however, has occurred over a prolonged period of time and has depleted soil moisture reserves. Immediate rainfall is beneficial, but significant accumulation over time is needed to recharge moisture levels to continue to support crops. It is currently still early in the grains season (jointing stage), and far too early to forecast any potential damage from dryness, however, this area will be monitored and updates posted on the internet as the situation continues to develop. Please see soil moisture conditions for the latest soil moisture map of eastern Europe.

For more information, contact Bryan Purcell with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division on (202) 690-0138 or by e-mail at Purcellb@fas.usda.gov.


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