USDA logo USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade

October 2000 Edition

Soybean Imports for Asia are Likely to Strengthen While Imports for China and the EU are Expected to Slow in 2000/01

Soybean imports into Asia (excluding China) are expected to increase in 2000/01 as economic conditions in South-East Asia continue to improve. Increased income growth in this region will generate greater demand for soybeans as consumers increase purchases of meat products and vegetable oil. European Union (EU) and China soybean imports are likely to slow in 2000/01 relative to the preceding year. Soybean meal consumption in the EU is expected to decline, in part, due to lower feed grain prices and a weakening in the European currency (the Euro). Therefore, feed rations in Europe may contain smaller amounts of soybean meal as grain becomes a less expensive feed ingredient for livestock. Soybean imports into China are likely to fall below the 1999/00 record level due to soybean imports outpacing consumption in 1999/00 combined with an expected increase in soybean production in 2000/01.

Approved by the World Agricultural Outlook Board/USDA


Last modified: Tuesday, September 14, 2004