USDA logo USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade

July 2000 Edition


World Oilseed Exports Forecast to Decline in 2000/01

World oilseed exports are forecast to decline 6 percent in 2000/01 as lower exports are forecast for nearly all oilseeds. Soybean exports, which account for nearly 75 percent of total oilseed exports, are forecast to decline 3 percent while rapeseed and sunflowerseed are forecast to decline 11 percent and 27 percent, respectively. Both rapeseed and sunflowerseed exports are forecast lower due to reduced production expected in 2000/01. In addition, sunflowerseed exports are forecast lower in response to efforts by the FSU countries to retain domestic supplies for local crushing operations. The decline in soybean exports is expected, despite an 8-percent increase in production, as growth in import demand for other destinations could not offset an expected decline in China’s soybean imports for 2000/01. While a portion of the additional soybean supply is expected to be crushed, nearly 85 percent is likely to be fed directly to livestock or stocked. Both cottonseed and copra exports are forecast lower while peanut exports are anticipated to be higher in 2000/01. The increase in peanut exports is in response to improved peanut output expected for India in 2000/01 and improved export prospects for the United States and China.

Approved by the World Agricultural Outlook Board/USDA


Last modified: Tuesday, September 14, 2004