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Our subsystem for Community annotation.
  • Domains, Signal Sequences & Modification Sites

    We added domains, signal sequences & modification sites from InterPro & predicted transmembrane domians (TMD) from TMHMM. You can view the TMHMM image directly on the Gene Products page.

    Improved Structure Information

    EcoliWiki now displays representative E. coli and homolog structures on the Gene Products pages, along with links to all other matches in the PDB.

    Better Navigation using Categories

    We improved the category tags to make it easier to get around EcoliWiki and find your favorite gene!

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About EcoliHub

Sixty years of study have made Escherichia coli K-12 the most deeply understood organism at the molecular level. Much of what we know about cellular processes can be traced to fundamental discoveries in E. coli. In spite of its great importance as a model organism, information about E. coli is distributed among many online resources. EcoliHub uses web services that are being developed to make seamless bidirectional connections between E. coli resources, thereby enabling the full use of existing knowledge and supporting cutting-edge research into the molecular basis of life.
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