University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Extension Publications

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Farm Management


Alternative Crop Budgets and Decision Making, EC838
Provides typical variable and fixed costs to help producers estimate total costs and develop a budget for alternative crop production.

Effects of Replacement Rate on Cow Herd Budget, NF610
This NebFact discusses the budgetary effects of increasing the replacement rate in a cow herd.

Nebraska Crop Budgets, 2006, EC872
Track revenue and costs for 42 specific farm operations using the 2006 Nebraska crop budget worksheets. View the entire publication by clicking the Print Version button, or select the individual budget(s) you're most interested in by clicking the Web Version button.


Ag Environmental Management Systems, MWPSEMS
From the Midwest Plan Service, Ag EMS is a compilation of publications that explains how to address environmental concerns when making agricultural decisions and, in the process, improve overall farm management.

Living on Acreages: What You Need to Know, MWPS50
From the Midwest Plan Service, Living on Acreages explains how to select a rural living site addressing a wide range of topics including water supply, electricity, mail delivery, septic system design, outdoor living areas, and farm ponds.


Country of Origin Labeling: What Does It Mean For The Nebraska Meat Industries? , NF552
This Nebfact outlines the country of origin labeling requirement contained in the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002.


Fertilizer Futures Now Traded At CME, NF623
Three fertilizer futures contracts have been added to the list of agricultural commodities traded in the futures and options markets at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.


Hedging and Basis Considerations For Swine Livestock Risk Protection Insurance, EC833
Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Insurance for swine is a price-risk management tool. Producers can use LRP insurance to protect against declines in their own cash sales price while still benefiting from price increases.

Livestock Risk Protection Insurance: A Self-Study Guide, EC839
This self-study guide provides livestock producers, insurance agents, and educators with information about USDA Risk Management Agency’s Livestock Risk Protection program.


Farm Real Estate Ownership Transfer Patterns in Nebraska's Panhandle Region, RB349
Property ownership in the Panhandle by out-of-state, in-state and in-area residents is evaluated, along with cyclical reasons for buying and selling particular pieces of land.

Farmstead Planning Handbook: Guidelines for Planning and Expanding Agricultural Facilities and Operations, MWPS2
The 12 chapters of this well-illustrated, easy-to-read CD from the Midwest Plan Service show how to locate, plan, build, and expand a working farm-small or large.

Listening to the Story Told by Yield Maps: Precision Agriculture, EC704
Yield mapping refers to the process of collecting georeferenced data on crop yield and characteristics, such as moisture content, while the crop is being harvested. This EC explains more about how to acquire and use this precision agriculture tool.


An Introduction to Agricultural Production and Marketing Contracts, G1613
This NebGuide is designed to help producers analyze and successfully use agricultural production contracts.

Valuing Farmland Conservation Easements, G1428
This NebGuide discusses farmland conservation easements and the process of estimating their value.


Nebraska Cash Corn Prices and Basis Patterns, EC846
Cash corn prices and basis patterns for 31 Nebraska sites.

Nebraska Cash Soybean Prices and Basis Patterns, EC845
Cash soybean prices and basis patterns for multiple years for 24 Nebraska sites.

Nebraska Cash Wheat Prices and Basis Patterns, EC844
Cash wheat prices and basis patterns for multiple years for 23 Nebraska sites.


2004 Nebraska Feedyard Labor Cost Benchmarks and Historical Trends, EC836
Cattle feedyards in Nebraska were surveyed in April 2004 to determine costs of labor for various production and administrative employees. The results are presented here.

Agricultural Land Ownership and Tenure Patterns in Nebraska, G1486
This NebGuide provides an overview and an interpretation of land ownership and tenure patterns in Nebraska.


2008 Nebraska Farm Custom Rates - Part I, EC823
Results of a spring 2008 survey of farm custom rates for spring and summer operations, including planting and small grains harvest. Based on surveys of custom operators in eight regions of Nebraska and updated every two years.

2008 Nebraska Farm Custom Rates - Part II, EC826
Results of a spring 2008 survey of farm custom rates for fall, winter and miscellaneous operations, including harvest, transportation and making silage. It's based on surveys of custom operators in eight regions of Nebraska and updated every two years.

Crop and Livestock Prices for Nebraska Producers, EC883
Historical price data for the major crops and livestock commodities produced in Nebraska. Prices received by producers are reported for 1960-2005 for most of the commodities.


Achieving Success With a Business Plan: Case Study of a Cow/Calf Business Plan, CC426
Learn how to create a business plan for a cow/calf operation. This case study of a fictitious family shows what kind of information you'll need to gather and illustrates how to turn it into a business plan.

Achieving Success With a Business Plan: Case Study of a Diversified Farm Business Plan, CC428
Learn how to create a business plan for a diversified farm operation. This case study of a fictitious family shows what kind of information you'll need to gather and illustrates how to turn it into a business plan.

Achieving Success With a Business Plan: Case Study to Prepare a Grain Farm Business Plan, CC424
Prepare a grain farm business plan by following this step-by-step example.

Achieving Success With a Business Plan: Instructions and Workbook to Prepare a Farm Business Plan, CC425
Create a business plan for your farm operation using this workbook that guides you step-by-step through the process.