USDA logo U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service Grain: World Markets and Trade (masthead)

November 1998 Edition

EU Dominates World Barley Market


Despite little competition from other barley exporters, the EU has aggressively driven prices down to 10-year lows of $60/ton. The EU's export policy continues to focus upon domestic concerns, rather than international supply and demand conditions. Given the low level of competitor supplies, the steady nature of malting barley demand, and the relatively strong import demand by the world's largest feed barley importer, Saudi Arabia, there is not an apparent need for high export subsidies. The current situation is analagous to 1994/95, when competitor export availabilities were at 30-year lows, and prices should have been rising, but EU export subsidies at that time drove prices below $100/metric ton.

The European Union, historically the world's largest barley exporter, is forecast to export 7.25 million tons of barley in 1998/99, the highest volume since 1991/92. Conversely, the aggregate exports of the US, Canada, and Australia, are projected to plummet to the lowest level since 1969/70. Thus, despite some marginal increase in exports by Turkey, the EU's global market share is expected to reach the second highest level in 10 years.

Executive Summary

Foreign Countries' Policies and Programs

Situation and Outlook: Commentary and Current Data

Historical Data Tables: Selected Regions and Countries


General Footnotes for Grain Tables

Grain and Feed Contact List


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Last modified: Thursday, November 13, 2003