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Impact of El Niño on Global Grain Production
Not as Large as Originally Feared


Although El Niño has affected regional crop production in some countries, world total grain production (wheat, coarse grain, and milled rice) for 1997/98 is forecast at a record. World rice and wheat production are at record levels, while production of coarse grains is down 2 percent. While regional grain shortages exist due to El Niño, El Niño has not yet caused significant downward pressure on world grain production.

The development of the current El Niño has been closely followed since it began in spring 1997, as scientists, farmers, and policy makers tried to understand its behavior and devise strategies to cope with its potential impact on global agriculture and food supply. Early warnings of El Niño allowed government officials to take pre-emptive actions, such as setting up disaster assistance for farmers, putting aside funds for future relief expenses, issuing drought insurance, building up strategic food stocks, making changes to tax and food import policies, and encouraging shifts in planting patterns.


What do these 1997 weather events have in common? Scientists believe they all have some correlation to the current El Niño. The term describes a situation where the trade winds, which normally blow from east to west across the southern Pacific, weaken or even reverse direction. This allows a vast expanse of warm water normally located in the western Pacific to drift eastward toward South America. As the water moves back into the central and eastern Pacific, the extra heat energy affects the strength and position of the jet stream and tropical storms, disrupting weather patterns in many parts of the world. The current El Niño developed very rapidly during April-May 1997 and soon matched the magnitude and size of the 1982/83 episode, which was the strongest of the century. The official NOAA forecast calls for this El Niño to persist through the winter of 1997-1998 and weaken during May-July 1998.

Impact of El Nino by Region


Last modified: Monday, August 29, 2005