Grain: World Markets and Trade
Foreign Agricultural Service Circular Series
FG 08-06

August 2006 

Canadian Grain Situation: Wheat and Barley Exports Diverge

Canadian wheat supplies are expected to reach 10-year highs this year with very large carryin stocks, and despite a reduction this month, expectations are still for an above-average size crop. With sharply lower production in most other global suppliers, especially the United States, Canadian exports are consequently expected to surge, particularly hard spring wheat. The poor quality of the past 2 years has restricted much growth in sales, but a return to normal quality this year would make Canadian supplies more attractive. Soft wheat exports are also expected to rise due to a large crop in Ontario, and substantial sales have already been made to Egypt and India. Durum exports, however, will likely fall as better crops in North Africa reduce import demand.

In contrast to plentiful wheat supplies, the Canadian coarse grain situation this year is expected to be tighter. For barley, lower production and stronger competition from the Black Sea region are expected to limit export sales. Corn production is also forecast down. With strong demand from the feed and industrial (ethanol) sectors, imports are projected to grow by more than 1 million tons. Oat supplies, however, will be larger and more is expected to be sold to the United States, where production is estimated at a historic low.


FAS will release a new version of PSD Online on August 31, 2006. It retains all of the ease-of-use and functionality of the current version, while incorporating some new features. Samples of the new data attributes and format can be obtained from the FAS website (

The new system will allow us to overhaul this Circular so readers will notice a new look beginning in September. This revised format will be "in transition" over the next several months, as we make use of the expanded capabilities of the new PSD system.

Your comments on the new Circular will be welcome and can be sent to We thank you in advance for your patience over the next few months.

Green ball image Complete Grain Report in PDF: Text and Tables

Green ball image All Grain Summary Tables: Foreign Countries and US Data

Green ball imageInternational Market Analysis:

Green ball image World Markets and Trade: Commentary and Current Data

Wheat Commentary [Text] [Adobe Acrobat Format]
Wheat Data Tables    [Excel Spreadsheet Format]  [Adobe Acrobat Format]
Rice Commentary   [Text] [Adobe Acrobat Format]
Rice Data Tables    [Excel Spreadsheet Format] [Adobe Acrobat Format]
Coarse Grains Commentary [Text] [Adobe Acrobat Format]
Coarse Grains Data Tables Excel Spreadsheet Format] [Adobe Acrobat Format]

Green ball image Historical Data Tables: Selected Regions and Countries

Green ball image General Footnotes for Grain Tables

Green ball image Grain and Feed mailContact List


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Last modified: Thursday, March 08, 2007