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Technology Transfer

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  Research > Technology Transfer

Technology transfer helps new discoveries find their way into commerce and into new products. These activities are now integrated into the structure of all research universities. We see the benefits of transferring UC discoveries to industry in every part of our life — through improved health care treatments, rapid and accurate medical diagnoses, better communications technologies, enhanced job productivity, and improved agricultural products, not to mention the creation of new companies and new jobs. More than 300 R&D-intensive firms in California have been founded by UC scientists and engineers. Over 1,000 California R&D-intensive companies actively engage in research projects with UC scientists and students.

The UC Technology Transfer Annual Reports provide insight into the impact that UC technology transfer is making in the lives of individuals and in the growth of our economy. The reports include information on health care, agriculture, high-tech innovations and business start-ups.

UC Office of Technology Transfer
The UC Technology Transfer Program is first among U.S. universities, both in terms of the number of patents granted and in the number of successfully commercialized inventions — more than 1,000 inventions a year. Whether it is a new variety of strawberry or new computer speech-recognition software, UC's systemwide Office of Technology Transfer moves quickly to advance innovation and discovery from the laboratory to the marketplace and into our homes.

The office website includes:
     Industry Resources
     Faculty Resources
     Resources for UC Staff
     Policies and Guidance
     Available Technologies / Licensing Opportunities
     Campus/Lab Contacts

Campus Tech Transfer Offices
Los Angeles
San Diego
San Francisco
Santa Barbara
Santa Cruz

National Laboratory Tech Transfer Offices
Berkeley (LBNL)
Livermore (LLNL)
Los Alamos (LANL)

Q&A on Employee Conduct, Relations with Industry
     and Conflict of Interest

UC’s Industry Partnerships and Networking Resources
Industry-University Cooperative Research Program
San Francisco Guide for Industry
California Institutes for Science and Innovation
San Diego Center for Commercialization of Advanced Technology (homeland security)
San Diego CONNECT - the nation's most successful regional
     program linking high-tech and life-science entrepreneurs with
     the resources they need for success
UC Davis InnovationAccess - provides services that connect      research to the marketplace, focused on protecting and      commercializing intellectual property, and fostering      entrepreneurship within the campus community

California's future: It Starts Here An impact study on UC's contributions to California's economic growth, health and community resources (Spring 2003)


    UC Impact Report -  contributions to California's Economic Growth, Health and Culture
California's future:
It Starts Here

An impact study on UC's contributions to California's economic growth, health and community resources
(Spring 2003)

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