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Universitywide Research Units Database

Research at UC's ten campuses and three National Laboratories is conducted in over 800 research centers, institutes, laboratories and programs, in fields spanning the disciplines. This descriptive database provides an overview of virtually all UC research centers, be they formal Multicampus Research Units, campus-based Organized Research Units, or non-formal centers and labs. Keyword searches may be performed on a systemwide basis, or by campus. Hyperlinks and contact information are provided for further information.

You may search by key word, UC campus or a combination of both. See Quick Search Tips. Please enter your search criteria below.

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UC Campuses/Laboratories to Include in Search

UC Berkeley UC Davis
UC Irvine UC Los Angeles
UC Riverside UC San Diego
UC San Francisco UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Cruz  Lawrence Berkeley NL
 Lawrence Livermore NL Los Alamos NL
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