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From the infinite scale of the universe, to the infinitesimal scale of sub-atomic particles, Berkeley Lab researchers are advancing the scope of human knowledge through an array of scientific programs, partnerships and proposals. Below are some of the critical efforts already underway or in development.

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Secure and Sustainable Energy

Harnessing sunlight for transportation energy, reducing the  amount of energy being wasted, and improving the models of earth and climate systems for a better understanding of how human activity impacts the planet.

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Matter and Force in the Universe

Exploring the interactions between the fundamental particles of matter and force that gave rise to our universe and will determine its ultimate fate.

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Biosystems and Health

Addressing major health issues such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and the deficits associated with aging through the study of biological systems at the molecular and cellular levels.

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Novel Materials, Ultrafast Processes, Nanodevices

Synthesizing novel materials at the atomic and molecular levels, imaging the chemical and electronic processes that govern their properties, and learning to fashion these materials into valuable nanodevices.

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High Performance Computing and Networking

Tackling the mathematical modeling, algorithmic design, system architecture and other issues whose solutions can open doors to future scientific discoveries and technological breakthroughs.

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Earth and Climate Sciences

Investigating earth and atmospheric processes that are critical to the environmental safety of our planet, and providing scientific answers to global climate change, pollution, and the disposal of nuclear and other hazardous wastes.