Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



July 17, 2002

Eastern United States Crop Condition Update:
Excessively Wet Conditions in Minnesota and Florida


Excessively wet conditions prevailed in both Minnesota and Florida during July 1-10, resulting in some  flooding.  Corn and soybeans in the central and western parts of the Corn Belt experienced some dryness but  moisture supplies are generally adequate at this point.  Very dry conditions prevail in parts of North and South Carolina, and parts of southern Virginia.   The peanut crop in the southeast is progressing well.  The cotton crop is setting bolls and continues to do generally well, with some minor problems in Missouri and Alabama.  Prospects for the rice crop remain excellent.  The warm weather is boosting the winter wheat crop harvest.

Crop Conditions

Heavy precipitation events during the period July 1-10, 2002, resulted in localized flooding in parts of Minnesota and Florida.  Many of the rivers and streams in these states are flowing at peak capacity.  Elsewhere, the return of warm and dry weather taxed soil moisture reserves.

Cumulative precipitation for the month of June 2002 was well above normal in Minnesota, Wisconsin, parts of the Northeast, southern Louisiana, and Florida.  Drier moisture conditions prevailed in Iowa, Missouri, Southern Illinois, west-central Arkansas, parts of Kentucky, Tennessee, the Carolinas, and southern Virginia.  Extremely wet conditions in peninsular Florida resulted in surface ponding and localized flooding.

A comparison of the AVHRR Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for the period June 16-30 shows some stress developing in parts of southern Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and the Carolinas.  Extremely wet conditions prevailed in peninsular Florida.

The massive flooding along the Roseau River in Roseau county, Minnesota can be clearly seen in the   Landsat-7  ETM+ image of June 20, 2002.  The dark blue/black areas represent standing water in the fields.  The township of Roseau is situated to the southeast along the banks of the South Fork River.

According to NASS (July 9, 2002), the corn crop is in the early silking stage and is generally doing fine, with some minor problems in North Carolina due to the dry weather there.   Soybeans are about 20-50 percent in bloom, with the southern states leading the way.  Rice has just entered the heading stage and crop conditions remain ideal.  The peanut crop in the southeast is well into the pegging stage and doing very well.  The warmer weather continues to benefit the rapid harvesting of the winter wheat crop.

For more information, contact Rao Achutuni
with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division on (202) 690-0140.


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