Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service



June 26, 2002

Western United States
Crop Condition Update

Southern Plains (pdf format)

Drought extends through much of the southern plains, with the poorest conditions toward the west.  Crops are in worse condition than at this time a year ago.

Four Corners States (pdf format)


Colorado is experiencing the worst drought in many years, resulting in very poor crop conditions.  The dry weather has contributed to the worst wild fires historically in the state.  In the San Luis Valley, in south central Colorado, where almost all of the crops are irrigated, conditions are about the same as last year.

Arizona and New Mexico

Extreme drought prevails throughout both states.  Data from satellite imagery shows that rangeland and forest are much less vigorous than last year as the result of very dry conditions.  In a normal year, thunderstorms develop every afternoon as part of a "summer monsoon," providing much needed water for crops.  This has not occurred this year. Fire season started earlier than normal and are much worse than usual.

Nebraska (pdf format)

Satellite derived data show much less vigorous growth this year than last, affecting both winter and summer crops.  The Farm Services Agency has declared 31 counties as "disaster" areas.

North and South Dakota (pdf format)

Crop development is far behind last year's level.  Conditions in South Dakota declined rapidly in June.  North Dakota received too much rain in the Red River Valley, where the highest wheat producing counties are. 

Montana  (pdf format)

Crop conditions improved here in June because of beneficial rainfall which helped the winter wheat crop and helped spring wheat get a good start.

Washington   (pdf format)

Washington is enjoying a good year after  two bad years because of well-timed rainfall.

California (pdf format)

The southern San Joaquin Valley and further south  is in worse condition than in recent years because of dryness. 

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For more information, contact Carl Gernazio
with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division, at (202) 690-0136.

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