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April 1, 2002

India: Winter Wheat Conditions Positive

Current Conditions Summary

Late-season conditions are creating an excellent finish for India's  wheat crop.  Gradually warming March temperatures and light showers followed the ideal, seasonally cooler February temperatures and significant rains. Analysis of satellite  data supports this assessment
showing increased vegetation health and vigor during the critical flowering stages.

Precipitation and Analysis of Poor Growing Conditions

Precipitation during the flowering stage has significantly improved the yield potential for much of India's wheat.  The Indian wheat crop, planted in November 2001, has benefited from seasonably favorable weather.  The early crop in Madhya Pradesh is currently being harvested.  The majority of the wheat  will be harvested in late April through early May.  The breadbasket region of Punjab and Haryana had adequate irrigation supplies for the season. The mostly irrigated crops in  Punjab and Haryana produce one third of India's wheat.  The rainfed areas of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,  Rajasthan, and other states produce two thirds India's wheat. Cumulative precipitation amounts since sowing and throughout the season were adequate for germination and establishment.  Rainfed wheat areas received beneficial rains during February when much of the crop was in the flowering stage.  Somewhat cooler temperatures followed by seasonal temperatures also have contributed to near-ideal growing conditions in both the irrigated north and rainfed areas. These conditions will result in above average yields in many areas.

Cumulative Precipitation -  Indian Winter Grain Area

Rainfed Wheat Analysis

Irrigated Wheat Analysis

Indian rainfed wheat recieves increased precipitation this season Indian irrigated wheat recieves less precipitation this season
Rainfed: Production and Analysis Area Map Irrigated: Production and Analysis Area Map


Average daily temperatures for the agricultural region during the same time period are near-normal, with somewhat cooler temperatures occurring in February. March temperatures showed the desired gradual warming pattern essential for grain development.

Average Temperature - Indian Winter Grain Area

Rainfed Wheat Analysis

Irrigated Wheat Analysis

India wheat area temperatures near normal to slightly cool India wheat irrigated area temperatures near normal to slightly cool
Rainfed: Production and Analysis Area Map Irrigated: Production and Analysis Area Map

Satellite Imagery

Rainfall this season returned to near-normal in some of the previously drought-stricken areas of the two previous winter seasons.  In particular, the wheat producing states of Rajasthan and Gujarat received significantly more precipitation this season. This benefited the rainfed crop and supplemented the water supplies for the irrigated wheat. In this Landsat TM satellite scene of northern Rajasthan, the area planted to winter grains has noticeably increased. In addition, vegetative health and crop establishment also are much improved over last season.  The linear feature running diagonally NE-SW in the scene is a major irrigation canal. Sangaria is a city in Rajasthan, near Punjab border.

Rajasthan, India Wheat Area

Satellite scene showing increase in wheat area and health in 2002 as compared to 2001
Imagery Locator Map


Wheat is grown during the winter season and is harvested mostly in April. USDA refers to the South Asia winter wheat crops planted during October-November 2001 as the 2002/03 wheat crop.  Prospects for the current winter grain season in India appear very positive, but this will affect the grain stock storage dilemma which currently exists. Planted area for this crop increased from last year due to government support price and well timed rains in October that created excellent sowing conditions for the start of the season. USDA will release its initial estimates of 2002/03 grain production in May.  

Irrigated Locator Map

India Wheat Production Intensity and Irrigate Analysis

India wheat production intensity map with irrigated areas outlined.


Rainfed Locator Map

India Wheat Production Intensity and Rainfed Analysis

India wheat production intensity map with rainfed or dryland areas outlined.



Imagery Locator Map

India Wheat Production Intensity and Satellite Image Location

India wheat production intensity map with satellite scene location.


For more information, contact Jim Crutchfield  
with the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division, Center for Remote Sensing Analysis at (202) 690-0135.

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Updated: September 05, 2003 Write us:  Pecadinfo@fas.usda.gov Index | | FAS Home | USDA |