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January 28, 2002

Dry Conditions Threaten Po Valley Prospects

Precipitation in the Po River Valley in northern Italy has been below normal for the past several months.  The map below shows the percent normal cumulative precipitation from November 1, 2001 to January 20, 2002, illustrating the current deficit in the northern and central regions of the country.   Italy is the European Union's  largest producer of soybeans and rice, and the second largest producer of corn.  These crops are produced primarily in the Po River Valley, a majority of which is irrigated.  However, if the dry weather continues into March, poor planting conditions could result, and reservoir levels for the upcoming summer growing season would be reduced.  Click on the Po River Valley region of the map to view a graph of cumulative rainfall since November 1, 2001.

area area Much of northern Italy has received below average rainfall since November 1 of last year.

For more information, contact Jim Tringe of the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division at 202-720-0882.

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