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A full version of the Oilseeds Circular in PDF format is now available. This version contains the cover, summary, and tables 1 through 25 as one complete document. Click Here

July 2002 - Table of Contents


Cover   Summary  

Production, Supply, Distribution Tables

Tables 1-3 (Oilseed and Products PSD) (pdf) and 5-7 (xls)   Table 4 (Major oilseeds: Area, Yield and Production) (pdf)   Tables 5-7 (Soybean and Products PSD) (pdf) (xls)
Table 8 (Soybean and Products: World Trade) (pdf) (xls)   Table 9 (Vegetable Oil Production, Consumption, & Trade: Selected Countries) (pdf)   Tables 10-14 (United States, Brazil, & Argentina PSD) (pdf) (xls)
Tables 15-18 (EU, China, Russia, India PSD) (pdf) (xls)   Table 19 (Malaysia: Palm Oil Supply and Distribution) (pdf)    

Prices and Programs

Table 20 (Selected Monthly Prices and Ratios) (pdf)   Tables 21-23 (U.S. and World Oilseed, Meal, and Oil Prices) (pdf) (xls)
Table 24 (GSM-102 Program Announcements and Sales Registrations) (pdf)   Table 25 (PL480 Title 1 Obligations: Agreements Signed and Sales Registered) (pdf)

U.S. Trade Tables (Marketing Year)

To view all U.S. Trade Tables as one complete PDF document. Click here

Table 1 (U.S. Fiscal Year Exports of Oilseeds, Meal, Oil) (pdf)   Tables 2-3, 5-6, 8 (Exports: Oilseeds & Products, Volume & Value, Soybean Meal & Oil, Sunflowerseed Oil) (pdf)   Tables 4,7,9 (Exports: Soybeans, Sunflowerseed, and Peanuts) (pdf)
Tables 10-13 (Exports: Cottonseed Oil, Corn Oil, Corn Gluten Feed & Meal) (pdf)   Tables 14-15 (Imports: Oilseeds & Products, Volume & Value) (pdf)   Table 16 (Export and Import Unit Values: Selected Oilseeds & Products) (pdf)

Other Information

General Information and Contributing Staff

Notice: Beginning in July 2000 data for oilseeds commodities in countries that do not contribute significantly to world production and trade will no longer be maintained. Some world trade statistics published herein (particularly for minor oilseed commodities) are slightly lower compared to those published previously due to the elimination of this data from the database. These differences have no substantial bearing on the overall supply and use situation, however, they may cause minor disparities in the import-export trade balance of commodities included in some tables. Of particular note, fish oil supply and use statistics will no longer be kept or included in this publication.

Get acrobat image Some of the tables shown above are available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. You may need to GET the Acrobat Reader to view the files.
Download the trade tables in Lotus 123 version 4 format. Please note that some versions of Netscape Navigator will change the filename extension; if this happens, you MUST rename the file to .wk4 to access it.


Last modified: Tuesday, September 14, 2004