USDA logo USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Cotton: World Markets and Trade

September 2002 Edition:

World Cotton Consumption Increases 

14 percent Since MY98/99


World cotton consumption in MY02/03 is up 14 percent, or 12.03 million 480-lb bales, from MY98/99. The gains in consumption, however, are not evenly distributed. Increases in consumption, totaling 16.53 million 480-lb bales, are seen in 28 countries while decreases are seen in 20 countries, totaling 4.5 million bales. The decrease in the United States accounts for 59 percent of the decline with smaller losses in Japan, Portugal, Egypt, Taiwan, and Mexico. China saw the largest gain in cotton consumption, 7.6 million 480-lb bales, or 40 percent more than in MY98/99. Pakistan, Turkey, India, Thailand, and the Russian Federation also saw large increases in consumption. 

MY02/03 world consumption is forecast to increase 2.4 percent from last year, slightly above the longer-term trend. Modest growth is seen in China this year compared to the previous years. Russia’s recovery from the lows seen in MY98/99 is not forecast to continue in MY02/03 due to uncertainties over general economic recovery in Russia. The United States’ decline from record high consumption in MY98/99 is forecast to turn around as consumption is forecast up slightly in MY02/03 from the previous year. Turkey, India, and Pakistan are forecast to continue their upward consumption trends but at more moderate growth rates than were seen over the past several years.

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U.S. Cotton Outlook
World Cotton Outlook
Cotton Prices
U.S. Cotton Highlights

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Last modified: Tuesday, August 30, 2005