USDA logo USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Cotton: World Markets and Trade

April 2002 Edition:

U.S. Exports Nearly Double Year-ago Levels Due to Growth in Exports to Asia  



Accumulated exports for marketing year 2001/02 of Upland cotton reached 7.25 million 480-lbs bales as of April 4, nearly twice the level of exports last year at the same time.  Three countries, India, Turkey, and Taiwan, account for over half the 3.5 million-bale increase while Thailand, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh account for over a third of the increase.  Exports to Mexico, the largest market for U.S. cotton, and to the Western Hemisphere in general, are nearly unchanged from the same time last year.  Last marketing year exports to the Western Hemisphere accounted for 45 percent of total U.S. exports.  Exports to the rest of the world are up significantly, over 180 percent.

With four months left in the marketing year, total accumulated exports are just over 71 percent of the forecast for the entire year.  In order to meet the MY 2001/02 export forecast of 10.5 million bales, weekly exports must average approximately 188,000 bales.  The current goal is attainable considering year-to-date exports have averaged 208,000.

Download the entire circular.


U.S. Cotton Outlook
World Cotton Outlook
Cotton Prices
U.S. Cotton Highlights

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Last modified: Tuesday, August 30, 2005