USDA logo USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Cotton: World Markets and Trade

March 2002 Edition:

U.S. Export Sales on Track for 10.3 Million Bale Export Level 

Bar chart showing export commitments to date by country and volume (Week 30 of MY 01/02 vs. Week 30  of MY 94/95)

The U.S. export estimate for MY2001/02 is 10.3 million bales (480-lb. Bales), the highest level in 75 years.   Based on export sales reporting, at this point in the marketing year, the United States has exported 60 percent of the forecast of 10.3 million bales.  To meet the forecast, average weekly exports of about 185,000 bales are needed for the remainder of the marketing year.  At the same time in MY1994/95 shipments had reached 58 percent of the 9.4 million bales final export total.  Total commitments at this point in the marketing year are nearly identical at about 10.7 million bales (480-lb.).  However, outstanding sales in the current marketing year are less than what they were in MY1994/95, 4.4 million bales (480-lb.) versus 5.3 million bales. 

In MY1994/95 China and Japan accounted for 35 percent of total commitments at this point in the marketing year.  In the current marketing year these two countries account for only 5 percent of total commitments.  Mexico and India are leaders in the current marketing year, accounting for 18 and 13 percent respectively of total commitments.  While in MY1994/95, these two countries combined accounted for less than 8 percent.  

The 2001/02 marketing year began the year with about double the level of sales on the books as the MY1994/95 season More sales were made during MY1994/95 than are likely this season, but MY1994/95 shipments were constrained by tight stocks, which fell to 2.6 million bales on July 31, 1995

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U.S. Cotton Outlook
World Cotton Outlook
Cotton Prices
U.S. Cotton Highlights

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Last modified: Tuesday, August 30, 2005