Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Auburn University College of Agriculture

Forestry & Wildlife Sciences Extension

The School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences welcomes you to its Extension web site. Our objective is to provide Alabamians with the information needed to make natural resource related decisions; from building bluebird boxes, to finding a professional logger, to water quality indicators. You can download or order a publication from this site, check the continuing education calendar, or locate Natural Resource Agents in your region. We encourage you to browse, send us questions, or visit other sites linked through our site. Comments are appreciated.



Alabama Natural Resources Council
is a state wide organization works to develop programs that increase the values of the state's forest resources. These programs are managed by three Council appointed committees: the County Outreach Committee, the Treasure Forest Committee, and the Forest Resources Committee.


School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences Extension
602 Duncan Drive  ·  Auburn University, Alabama 36849


Register Here for Upcoming Forestry & Wildlife Conferences

Managing Land
for Wild Turkeys
February 7, 2009


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