
  • To promote cooperation and understanding among Cooperative Extension Specialists.

  • To provide opportunities for and to promote professional improvement.

  • To provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas and information.

  • To provide a channel of communication to express common needs and goals that promote and improve Cooperative Extension programs.

  • To provide a mechanism for maintaining and improving relationships with other organizations.

  • To perform any other service for the benefit of its members that may be mutually agreeable.

  • To foster and promote understanding of and appreciation for the heritage and mission of the Cooperative Extension System.


  • Active membership shall be voluntary and available to all specialists and Extension faculty in the Alabama Cooperative Extension System at Alabama A&M and Auburn University and specialists in the Cooperative Extension Program at Tuskegee University on state, district, or area assignments who have no administratvie responsibility.

  • Emeritus membership (both annaul and lifetime) shall be available to all academic employees defined in Article III-1 who retired before July 1, 1980, or who were active members at the time of their retirement. Emeritus membership shall also be available to anyone who had Extension responsibilty at any time during his or her career with the Extension System. Emeritus members shall have all privileges of active members except holding office and voting in business matters of the Association.