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Welcome to the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service

Employees Organization


Annual Meeting

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The Alabama Cooperative Extension Service Employees Organization, Inc. was organized in 1968. Since its inception the members meet annually in various counties throughout Alabama to handle business of the organization for professional development. ACESEO, is an outgrowth of the Negro County and Home Agents Association, which was organized in 1940 with ten members. ACESEO, Inc. is composed of professional extension personnel, active and retired, at all levels - State, District, and County workers - regardless of race, creed, color, religion, sex, or national origin.



Thanks to everyone that attended our most recent board meeting. Extension has gone through some major changes over the past few years; and we’re still keeping in tune.  Changes are good when you can continue to complete your goals and objectives with less while continuing to keep your head held high. I congratulate all of you for doing so.  Now let us look forward.

I would like to give a special thanks to everyone serving on the convention committee for their hard work and dedication.  The Annual Meeting will be held May 6-8, 2009 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Montgomery, Alabama..  There is much to be done and not a lot of time to do it.  I’m asking everyone to pitch in where you can to make 2009 better than the past. Each year we should look forward to making the next year better than the past year.