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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Mount St. Helens and Vicinity
Points of Interest

Cowlitz River Views

Image, Cowlitz River Highwater

Highwater along the Cowlitz River, as seen from Castle Rock, Washington USGS Photo by T. Leighley, February 20, 1982

Driving Directions
  • From Interstate 5 -- take Exit 49 (Castle Rock Exit)
  • Travel west on Highway 504, approximately one mile.
  • Turn north (right) onto A street and continue to Castle Rock Bridge, approximately 1/2 mile.
  • Cross Castle Rock Bridge over Cowlitz River.
  • Turn right at next intersection onto Washington Highway 411.
  • Bear right onto Chapman Road.
  • Park where appropriate.

Cowlitz River Views

Cowlitz River View

View eastward to U. S. Interstate Highway 5 bridge and confluence of the Cowlitz and Toutle Rivers. Here, the lahar from the South Fork Toutle entered the Cowlitz River at 1:00 p.m. P.D.T. on May 18, 1980. The lahar from the North Fork Toutle River arrived at the mouth of the Toutle River at about 8:30 p.m., where it was described as having a homogeneous, mortarlike consistency from bank to bank. The early part of the lahar past this point was seen to carry logs, buildings, and a pickup truck. As the lahar entered the Cowlitz River, the main mass moved downstream, but part moved upstream for 2.5 miles. Logs from the flow were deposited onto the Burlington Northern Railroad bridge, and U.S.Interstate Highway 5 was closed to traffic.

-- Excerpts from: Doukas, 1990, Road Guide to Volcanic Deposits of Mount St. Helens and Vicinity, Washington: USGS Bulletin 1859, 53p.

Cowlitz River Bridge

During the May 18, 1980, eruption (of Mount St. Helens) and subsequent flooding, the effects of the South Fork Toutle River lahar were scarcely noticed here (from the bridge). At 1:30 p.m. P.D.T. the stage had risen to 13.15 feet, but by 2:15 p.m. it had returned to the preflood condition of 10 feet. The high flow from the North Fork Toutle River lahar was recorded at the Castle Rock bridge at midnight, nearly 15.5 hours after the 8:32 a.m. eruption. High-water temperature here was 85 degrees F. To your left as you leave the bridge is the Cowlitz County Fairgrounds (west of I-5). From 3 to 5 feet of sediment was deposited over the entire fairgrounds by the flood on May 18-19, 1980.

-- Excerpts from: Doukas, 1990, Road Guide to Volcanic Deposits of Mount St. Helens and Vicinity, Washington: USGS Bulletin 1859, 53p.

Other Nearby Points of Interest

Map, Mount St. Helens Points of Interest - Interactive Imagemap, 
click to enlarge Mount St. Helens
Points of Interest -
Interactive Imagemap

Click button for Short Road Viewpoint Short Road Viewpoint (north)
Click button for Silver Lake Silver Lake and Silver Lake Visitor Center (east)
Click button for Toutle River Toutle River from the Old Pacific Highway 99 Bridge (east)

Other Menus of Interest

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03/27/07, Lyn Topinka