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Dean, College of Agriculture
Dean, College of Agriculture (002037-2008)

Purdue University invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of the College of Agriculture.

Requirements:  The Dean’s primary role is to provide vision and leadership in the College, promoting an environment optimal for the pursuit of excellence in learning, engagement, discovery, and international experiences.  As chief executive officer of the College, the Dean actively represents the College to a variety of constituents inside and outside the University, and is also responsible for many state regulatory functions.

Qualifications:  Qualified candidates will possess an earned doctorial degree, present a distinguished record of scholarship appropriate for a tenured full Professorship, have demonstrated excellence in administration, and have a working knowledge of state and national funding environments.  The candidate must demonstrate effective communication skills and the ability to work successfully within the framework of a large university, as well as with external groups.  S/he should have a strong commitment to diversity, excellence in instruction, basic and applied research, and the University’s outreach and extension mission.  The successful candidate must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. upon appointment.

Application Procedure: Nominations or letters of interest should be sent to: Dr. Willie M. Reed, Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Chair of the Search Committee, Purdue University, 615 W. State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Letters of interest should address the applicant’s experience and qualifications; include a curriculum vita; and provide names and contact information for at least five references.  Initial nominations and inquiries will be kept confidential; references will be contacted only upon approval of the applicant.  Electronic submission is preferred and should be sent to agdeansearch@purdue.edu.  Screening will commence on September 15, 2008 and continue until the position if filled.  Questions regarding the position can be addresses to Dr. Reed at (765) 494-7608.