College of Science


We live in a diverse society. The College of Science believes that an understanding and appreciation of our differences enhances our ability to live and work together. Students have a better academic experience if they are taught in a climate that is diverse and accepting. Promoting diversity is essential both to society as a whole and to Purdue University. A diverse and scientifically educated citizenry is crucial to create and fill the scientific and technical jobs of the future. Moreover, diverse backgrounds and ideas lead to innovations and breakthroughs that might not occur otherwise.

Our Diversity efforts have three main prongs: 1) to expose middle school and high school students to the wonders of science and Purdue (and science at Purdue!); 2) to build diversity awareness for faculty, staff, and students and provide leadership training, and 3) to improve the recruiting, retention, mentoring, and promotion of faculty, staff, and students.